Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Week 2 Prompts

It was the first, but not the best--or was it?

The first what bicycle, horse or car?

My first bicycle, it wasn't the best cause it wasn't brand new it had been used by some other kid. But, I had to settle cause it was what I was getting. I put many a mile on that old bicycle. It didn't have some of the fancy stuff on it like the other kids had on theirs. But, to my surprise I think that mine might have been the best because my brakes didn't break, my foot petals stayed on and my handlebars stayed tight. Looking back maybe my first bicycle was the best after all.

Eventually, I got to graduate to my own horse. Here again, as with the bicycle, it wasn't the best horse there was around. Someone had given him to us and Dad said that he was mine. I thought oh, okay. But thinking to myself he doesn't look like much to me. Kind of tall and thin, feet not just perfect, didn't look as pretty as my friends horses did. But I didn't complain much as he was to be mine. He might have been the best as we spent several good years together. Come to find out even though he didn't look like much at first, He was better than some of the other horses. He had great speed, endurance and personality.

Of course then you get to where you think it is so great you can drive and have a car. Oh my, what an experience that was . Having to drive the cars my mother owned, which seemed more like pieces of junk than anything, I bought my first car. Went to a used car sales place in town and picked out what I wanted, had to borrow money from the bank to pay for it. Talked dad into co-signing for me. Wow, now I have payments, repairs and expenses. Maybe the first cars that I drove of my mothers weren't so bad after all. Today cars are not what the first ones were. My first car wasn't so bad after all. It lasted me along time, taught me responsibility and has provided me with many memories.

I have learned through the years, that even though you might not think that your first conversation, thought or act is the best be careful cause it just might be. Why is it that we think that we need something newer, better, or bigger to be the best, when in reality quite often the first one is usually the best one. What is the old saying, "Why fix it, if it isn't broken".

Theme: Perspective-- Though you don't need a lot of...

Wow, this is a tough one. I guess that I will go through the 70's. I was a youngster growing up in Washington County, Maine, just becoming a teenager and thought I knew it all. History, news and politics were not much of  a dinner table conversation. Dinner conversations were more like, who is doing what for chores this week or where is the horse show.

My family moved from Milbridge to Harrington, from a house with my own room to an old  one-room school house that my dad went to school in. Sectioned of by furniture and curtains, while waiting for construction of a new house. It seemed fun as there were many new adventures. More places to ride horses, our own swimming hole close by and did I mention more work. More work as there was no running water or indoor plumbing. Carrying water up hill as a kid is very hard work. There were 5 of us kids,I being the oldest and there was always other kids there. As now we were closer to town and other kids. So really at this time did it matter to me that in the big wide world Amtrak was created, Disney World opened or even that the voting age was being lowered to 18? No, it didn't involve horses, swimming, or work.

Just for the fun of it I looked up a time line for the 70's to see what I might have missed. While I was in my own little world of being a kid always outside doing something such as: horseback riding, swimming in the summer, snowmobiling in the winter (only because my friends downtown would let me ride with them), ice skating or helping with the garden and haying I discovered that I missed a lot of stuff. At the time in my cowboy boots and blue jeans, racing up the field on horseback, with the wind blowing through my hair to see who was going to get to the top of the hill first I had no idea that in the big world around me there were such things going on as CAT scanning being introduced or Nike running shoes hitting the market or the 2nd building of the World Trade Center opening.

Thinking how would I find the time to watch the news as it was an assignment for school to write some report on the Last Apollo mission to the moon or Nixon releasing Watergate tapes and then on to him resigning. My parents were more concerned with getting the garden planted, gathering the eggs, cleaning the barn most anything other than sitting down to watch the news and having conversation about what was going on in the big world. Some new people moved into the neighborhood, they were referred to as Hippies, free spirit people. Flower power, peace signs, and bell-bottom pants, not just bell-bottoms but also referred to as hiphuggers because they rode down low on the hip.The more patches they had the better the pants. Loved those patched bell-bottom pants, with my leather moccasin shoes, with no sole on the bottom. Not so good to wear in the rain, water soaks through the leather after awhile. Mother would say to me one of these days those pants will disappear. I would always make sure to hide them so that she couldn't find them. Oh yes, what about those platform shoes. The higher the platform the better.

In 1976, I graduated high school, yippee!! Bicentennial year, 200th birthday of the United States. Big celebrations with red, white and blue everywhere. The popularity of the CB radio going strong. A lot of people were on the air with breaker, breaker 19, 10-4 good buddy and all that jazz. My family and I being concerned with which town the parade or horse show would be in this weekend for the Bicentennial celebration. We never did have one of the CB radios. Little did I know that West Point Military Academy had started to accept women or that the Alaskan pipeline was being worked on and finished in 1977.

As we move through life in our own worlds, I think that we tend to lose sight a lot of the time on the big world around us. Some things effect us and some do not. History not one of my strong points nor one of interest really. Guess that is because of where I was as a child. No ones fault really just the way it is.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Week 2 -- Prompt

The stuff I've collected over the years in my little box / bureau drawer / keepsake chest marks every step of my way. Not sure why or how I have managed to keep it all these years but I still have my name tag and my 100 hour pin from when I was a volunteer candy striper. It was back when I was in high school. My mother would take 2 or 3 of us girls from Harrington to Machias so that we could volunteer at the hospital. I recall that we would have so much fun. I learned so much from that experience. I also have several of my name tags from when I worked as a CNA. Each name tag has a different story. There are different memories of residents and co-workers that go with each name tag. After several years of CNA work I went into retail.

When Fashion Bug opened their first store in Topsham, Maine I was hired as a manager trainee. Worked my way up to become and assistant manager and then finally a store manager and on to an assistant supervisor. While being a store manager my store had a secret shopper come through, which they did often. We were given an outstanding customer service award, which I have kept through the years. It amazes me as to the strange little things that we keep.  Also have other memorabilia stashed away of my Fashion Bug years. Was a great job. One of the bad choices I have made when I decided not to work there any more.Fond memories of the people that I worked with. Pictures I have kept of different store personnel dressed up in Halloween costumes.

The picture of me that was posted with other management people at Ames Department Store in Skowhegan I still have. I still have some of the writings, pictures and special student awards of my children. Even though out of style and I don't wear them I have these little basket earrings that were my great-grandmothers. I have moved so many times that I am not sure how I have managed to still have some of these little items.
I am now back to working as a CNA, received an employee of the month award and then chosen for employee of the year. Certificates, flyers from where everyone signed them have been added to my keepsake box.

Now I still have a lot of things to do and add to my keepsake box. I wonder what my children will say after I am gone. Maybe, something like Oh My God, why did mom keep all this stuff. Oh well, it is mine and I like to look back and tell about it as I go through it with my grandchildren. The stuff reminds me of some of the people, places and things that got me where I am today and the person that I have become.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Journal Entry 01-26-12

Okay, I think that these journal entries aren't so bad after all. Gives me a chance to just get rid of some stuff in my head. Well, yes so I can replace it with something else. Although, have to think about how much stuff people would really want to read or care about as they have enough of their own stuff. Sometimes though you realize after talking to or reading others stuff that you are not as bad off as you think.
This Theme for week 2 kind of has me stumped at the moment. I will need to think my way through that one. Anyway it seems to be a nice day outside, the sun is shining that is always a plus. Okay time to give my brain a rest from writing. Also, have other homework to do. Feel as though I am behind a little. Working hard to catch up and stay on track. Not such a good idea to work an extra over night or two, cause then I have to sleep when I usually do my homework. But need to work to buy heating fuel what the heck. Where do you win?

Week 1 Prompt--Know Thyself

Alone in a quiet room, but what is really happening.
As I am sitting here, in my quiet room, with my dancing fingers at the keyboard of my computer I think about what is really happening. Not always having made the best decisions in my life I am at a point, kind of late, where I need something more from and for myself. I am not saying that I necessarily made terrible decisions or was in trouble, as the decisions that I made seemed right at the time.
As a child my parents didn't teach me about saving money, investing or going to college to get a career. I grew up in Washington County where most people worked at seasonal jobs. Such as blueberry raking, clamming or worming, wreath making such things as that. My dad worked as a woodsman, a farrier and all of the seasonal stuff. I never remember him as having a regular, steady full time job. My mom stayed home most of the time as there was 5 of us children. Not that I am complaining, but just saying that the beginning ground work wasn't set.
Anyway, here is what is really happening. Due to some life changes, now being single and 50+ in a tough economy I decided that I needed to go back to school and get a career, still needing to work to support myself, this wasn't the easiest route to take. What was I thinking I often wonder.  Alone in a quiet room gives me a chance to think, sometimes not such a good idea, trying to get my life back into some sort of order. I feel as though I spend a lot of time in a quiet room trying to get through one homework assignment or another. Things don't stick quite as easy as they use to. Sometimes kicking myself in the butt for not having learned how to really study way back in high school.
Sometimes, I think wow you don't have much of a life. Work, school, study and sleep. Then I keep reminding myself all of the effort and hard work will be worth it in the end. My children and friends are supportive, which is a big help. Not sure if this is where I was supposed to have gone with this, but at the present is what is really happening in my quiet room. I CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Journal Entry 01/23/12

Oh no, just realized that I didn't do my journal entry for yesterday, the 22nd. Got going on my Know thyself pieces and well guess I forgot. And kinds fell asleep. Not a good thing. Was tired from the trip to Mass. to watch the boys wrestle. It was an intense day. We took 14 boys and all but 2 came home finishing within the top 3. My grandson and one of my nephews brought home another 1st, Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!
The weather was good for traveling. Didn't get back in time to watch the Patriots game, but that didn't really bother me, not much of a football fan. They did try to listen to some of it on the radio, but didn't work so well. My nephew was receiving text messages with score updates very regular.
Almost was late getting to school today, started writing and doing some other homework and lost track of time. I am starting to get a little worried that maybe I have decided to take to many classes this semester and also trying to work 32+ hours a week.  Hopefully I will find away to juggle and make everything work. Well need to put the rest of this on hold, off to Human Relations class. Will return.
Returned, Only that it is a couple of days later. Class, worked over night, had to get a little sleep so that I could go to work again. Yes, I will get caught up somewhere along the line.

Week 2 Prompt

Looking in that photo album I see....Oh my, which album do I start with? There are so many things I see which brings back so many memories. Pictures of my grandparents, as a child I was fortunate to have had both my paternal and maternal grandparents. I enjoyed spending time with them. My grandfather in the blueberry field, he taught me how to rake blueberries. He would take several of us to rake berries. But, he would remind us frequently, if you're not going to work then you will stay home tomorrow. My grandmother in her kitchen cooking, what an awesome cook. I enjoyed spending time with her as she taught me how to cook among many other things in life. Actually, I was lucky enough to have and enjoy my grandparents into my adult life. My children were fortunate enough to have been able to know their great-grandparents. There are five generation pictures in the photo album. Oh, what wonderful memories.
My parents are in the photo album, it reminds me of the houses we used to live in, the cars we had and some of the family functions we did. Horse shows, birthday parties, Christmas's of years past and anniversaries. My brothers and sister oh what fun we had. Winter pictures of ice skating, sledding and lots of snow, great for making the snowmen which we were all so proud of.
Friends and relatives, there are many. That photo album reminds me of the good times and the bad. The bad being of the friends and family that are no longer with us. My how time goes by. It seems to pass us by quite quickly these days.
Children, many pictures of my children. Of course starting when they were babies, amazing how many pictures I took. I wanted to capture as many moments as I could. First time sitting up, first steps, first birthdays, and first day of school the list could just go on and on. I find it fun to sit with family and friends and look through the photo albums. We laugh, talk and remember when. Oh what fun.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Week 1 Prompt--Know thyself

Alone in a quite room, What do I see?
A room with off white walls and white trim around the door and windows. The room has 2 skylights, which are lightly snow covered still. There is stuff which tells somethings about me. I like to crochet, as there are baskets of yarn sitting around. Soft colors, bright colors and variegated colors, pattern books stacked in a pile and a bundle of hooks to work on the started projects. Must have more than one thing started.
Scrubs waiting to be ironed, oh must work in the medical field. There are solids, prints, pastels and brights variety is always good. Even looking around the room I like a variety of shoes not only one pair of nursing shoes but two pair, one white and one black. Then there are a pair of sneakers, boots and casual shoes.
School books, laptops and a printer take up space on the desk and stand nearby. On the walls a couple of pictures hang.
All the previous mentioned stuff is visible by anyone who should look in, but as I sit alone in this quite room I close my eyes and there are only things which I can see. Myself on a cool summer evening riding horseback across the sandy beach, with the breeze gently blowing through my hair. Or I see myself bundled up in a winter hat, coat and mittens out in the brisk cold air  zooming down the snow covered hill on a sled. Oh my I can see many things and see many places alone in a quiet room.
What do you want to see in a quiet room? 

Week 1 Prompt--Know Thyself

Alone in a quiet room; Listen, what do I hear?

Wow, actually you can hear more than one would think. Sitting in my room, where it is the quietest, I hear like a ringing noise in my ears. Well, maybe it isn't a ringing noise, maybe it is more like a humming noise. Oh listen, I hear the sloppy, slurping of the dog, as he drinks his water. Thinking boy is he loud, hadn't realized how loud until I was listening in the silence of a quiet room. Then wow, he needs his toenails cut as I hear them click, click across the floor.
The mumbles of the TV down in the living room as the others are indulging themselves in some program, movie, show or whatever.  Off in the distance a car is passing by. Then a few minutes later another car rumbles by. They each have their own unique sound.Wondering how often does a car pass by that you don't even notice, if you are not listening. 
Apparently the house has started to cool off, as the rumble of the furnace begins. Then in a few seconds the baseboard hot-water heaters along the wall start making sounds as the heat passes through. Even through all of that I can hear the sounds of my fingers tapping away at the keys of my computer. Oh, that is a different sound, as the backspace key is tapped at a different beat, damn mistakes.
Granddaughter must be home as I hear the turning of the doorknob, then the closing of the front door. Then the rustling of her stuff with whatever she might be doing.
Kind of funny how the quiet room can have so many sounds. I love listening to the rumbling, splashing, moving sounds of the ocean water ( having grown up near the ocean). As I sit in a quiet room with me eyes closed, thinking of the sounds I can hear them in my head. Refreshing and relaxing. 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Journal Entry 01-21-12

Wow, it was nice to have a day off and only do what I wanted to as opposed to what I needed to. Well still some things that I needed to do, such as write this journal entry. But this isn't really a hard thing to do, just takes alittle time.
Skowhegan High School had a wrestling meet at home today, so went to watch my nephew wrestle. He had been undefeated until today. Had a couple of really tough matches, hurt his shoulder, so had his first lost for the season. Which was kind of okay, cause now he won't have to go into the state meet without any loses. Will give him a better state of mind, anyone can always lose. Sucks for him though as he was quite upset. Tomorrow will go to Mass. to watch my grandson and 2 nephews wrestle. Just love to watch the boys wrestle. Nana will brag just alittle, grandson is a hot shot wrestler, been wrestling since he was 5, is now 12.
There was a surprise birthday party for my neice today, turns 18. Thought back to when I was 18, "WOW" was that a long time ago. One thought was "oh to be 18 again" but if I didn't know what I know now then I would still probably do the same mistakes. Next thouhgt was "Oh no wouldn't want to go back that far, not the way things are today." It was good that a lot of the family & friends were together to help her celebrate. Families getting together I feel is very important. Family doesn't seem to have the same meaning in today's world as it used to. To many families are split, parents not adult enough to get along and be civil for the kids sake. It just frustrates me to see divorced parents using their kids as chess pons to get back at each other for one thing or another. It isn't the kids fault but they suffer in the end. To me family is always where I can turn to for help, support and guidence. Being the oldest of five children, I sometimes feel as though I give more than I get, but If I really need the help of my brothers and sister they are always there. It really is a great feeling.
Kind of all over the place with thoughts today. Guess that is what happens when you have a busy day and multiple things going on.
Wonder, do I need correct puncuation, grammer and spelling?  Hummm, hope not cause I am not paying attention to that stuff much.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Journal Entry 01-20-12

Well good day. Snow again, getting tired of shoveling. One good thing though there wasn't a lot of snow and it was light. I suppose it is one way of keeping in shape. Although, while shoveling not getting homework done. But I will get it done eventually. While shoveling thinking man I need a vehicle with a plow or make enough money to afford to pay someone else to do it. Right now neither one is an option, so I will suck it up and shovel for the winter. Mandatory meetings before work today, they might wish that I didn't come after what I have to say about some things that are unacceptable. There were a couple of things that just  were wrong last night and I will voice my thoughts and opinions today.

School was delayed for 2 hrs. this morning, so off to a slow start. Hard to get into thoughts with the grandchildren still home. So much for writing on "Sitting in a Quiet Room." Now time to go to work. Guess it will have to come later. Amazing how getting out in the fresh air and exercise will rejuvenate you. Okay off and running

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Journal Entry 01-19-12

Sitting with fingers at the keyboard, wondering what words will come today. Books, papers and assignments strewed everywhere. Pondering, where do I start first? Watching the clock so that I can be sure to get ready and be at work on time. Trying to get lunch in the mean time to feed the brain and soul. Why is it that some people put a lot on their plate, so to speak? Not sure but it seems that I do my best work under the gun.

Gazing out the window at the sunshine, blue sky, and trees standing tall and still in the chilling cold.  Thinking not getting a lot done this way. Fingers not typing as fast as my thoughts, need to work on that I guess.

Okay lunch finished, time to get ready for that dreaded word of work. But don't get me wrong I really love what I do. I am a CNA/M and work in a nursing home, rehab facility. Okay off I go as the elderly residents need me.

Think that I am behind a couple of days in my journal entries. Have none in for the 16 & 17 need to check to see if I can do late entries or not. Not sure how that will work.

Myself as a Writer -- 3rd Person

Here she sets, trying to get her thoughts together. Wondering what in the world has she gotten herself into. Her thoughts are just roaming all over the place. Who and what does she want to become. She is wishing that she could be like her father. As he can sit down pencil to paper and bring words to life. Thinking how easily playing the clarinet came to her. In time her thoughts will flow freely, it will just take some time. She always wants things to be just right. Not only expecting a lot out of herself but also expects a lot from others.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Journal Entry 01-18-12

Wow, first day of classes. A little overwhelming, but it will all be okay once I get a chance to organize everything. It would have been better had I been on top of my game, but this cold is kicking my butt. As I was walking from building to building for class the wind would just take my breath away. Due to be in History class in 5 minutes. will resume my thoughts later.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Myself as a Writer -- 2nd Person

Your setting gazing out the window as the snow is falling. Wondering what are you going to write about now? Your brain is kind of foggy, cause it is morning, you have a cold, and a stuffy nose. You just get into the middle of a thought then, OH stop to sneeze, blow your nose and cough. Going to be a great day. But enough of the pity party, let's get on with it.
You are trying to figure out what is expected of you, in this class. Your comment to your adviser was it will be okay. Writing should come easy to her. Wow, not quite what you had expected is it? Then you think okay it will be fine. You thought back to the speeches you wrote for your speech class. Saying to yourself, well those were okay, had good comments about those. Her minds is just going in a hundred directions.
You tell her it doesn't all have to be done at once. Take a break and come back to it later. Slow down and then you will put your thoughts together. 

Myself as a Writer -- 1st Person

Here I sit this morning, with my coffee, and fingers at the keyboard watching the snow fall. Wondering, what have I gotten myself into? I am going to become a blog writer, what is that? I used to write my thoughts, good or bad, but haven't taken the time to do that for awhile.
During high school I enjoyed English, literature, and poetry classes. I think I need to concentrate on composing my thoughts together, as sometimes I feel as though I just ramble on. So by rambling on I write, change, and rewrite. I never seem to be happy with what I have written. Finally, I just get to the point of oh well, good enough, it is what it is. I feel I do better with specific topics, with an outline to help keep me focused. So here I am and I will try to put my thoughts together and improve each week.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Mustang Girl

This was an interesting venture. All very new to me, but I will figure it all out. Looking forward to a good semester of ENG162-95.