Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Week 13 -- Prompt

I THINK, Therefore I AM

I Think!!!!!!!!!!!  Therefore I Am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am what, I am where, I am who?

If you didn't think, who, what or where would you be? If you are going to be, you have to think. Think about what you want to become, where you want to go and who you are.

There are may ways of thinking, some are good and some are bad. Either way you are thinking, so you will be. Starting right from the very beginning when you are small, with the love, the nurturing, the encouragement, the stimulation and the guidance you get or do not get sets the tone for your way of thinking.

If you stay in the box and think within the box, your thinking will remain small. Small thinking will generally keep you a small person. According to psychologist, the small thinking and low self esteem is generally caused by the lack of nurturing, encouragement and stimulation as a child. Sometimes, if given a chance, and the want to of the person they can become a bigger and better person than what has been instilled in them.

Think large and become large. It is said that, "You can become anything you want to be." Key being that you have to want to and be willing to start small and put forth the effort and hard work to get where you want to be. Everyone is going to meet trials and tribulations, fear and failure. You need to learn from these things and try again, each time you are able to overcome a tribulation or failure makes you a bigger, stronger more confident person. Try, try and try again until you become the person you want to be and be where you want to be.

The more you think, plan and try the more you will be the I AM.  My outlook and suggestion is the power of positive thinking. Positive thinking brings about positive actions. With positive actions comes positive outcomes. I think and work towards becoming a Certified Medical Assistant. It is hard work to work full time, go to school, do my homework and have some what of a social life. As it is important to have fun once in awhile, it helps to keep things in proper perspective. So therefore, with the positive attitude and the thinking in May of 2014, I will be a Certified Medical Assistant.

Have a plan, set goals. Start your goals small and reachable. As your smaller goals are met, set larger goals. remember keep your goals reachable. Eventually you will be able to see how you have come from small to larger.

I think, I can, I will, I a.


At May 1, 2012 at 8:33 AM , Blogger johngoldfine said...

Sure, you have the large to small, general to specific working for you here.


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