Thursday, January 26, 2012

Journal Entry 01-26-12

Okay, I think that these journal entries aren't so bad after all. Gives me a chance to just get rid of some stuff in my head. Well, yes so I can replace it with something else. Although, have to think about how much stuff people would really want to read or care about as they have enough of their own stuff. Sometimes though you realize after talking to or reading others stuff that you are not as bad off as you think.
This Theme for week 2 kind of has me stumped at the moment. I will need to think my way through that one. Anyway it seems to be a nice day outside, the sun is shining that is always a plus. Okay time to give my brain a rest from writing. Also, have other homework to do. Feel as though I am behind a little. Working hard to catch up and stay on track. Not such a good idea to work an extra over night or two, cause then I have to sleep when I usually do my homework. But need to work to buy heating fuel what the heck. Where do you win?


At January 29, 2012 at 5:32 AM , Blogger johngoldfine said...

"This Theme for week 2 kind of has me stumped at the moment. I will need to think my way through that one."

Sounds like the Education Thing to me!


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