Thursday, January 26, 2012

Week 2 Prompt

Looking in that photo album I see....Oh my, which album do I start with? There are so many things I see which brings back so many memories. Pictures of my grandparents, as a child I was fortunate to have had both my paternal and maternal grandparents. I enjoyed spending time with them. My grandfather in the blueberry field, he taught me how to rake blueberries. He would take several of us to rake berries. But, he would remind us frequently, if you're not going to work then you will stay home tomorrow. My grandmother in her kitchen cooking, what an awesome cook. I enjoyed spending time with her as she taught me how to cook among many other things in life. Actually, I was lucky enough to have and enjoy my grandparents into my adult life. My children were fortunate enough to have been able to know their great-grandparents. There are five generation pictures in the photo album. Oh, what wonderful memories.
My parents are in the photo album, it reminds me of the houses we used to live in, the cars we had and some of the family functions we did. Horse shows, birthday parties, Christmas's of years past and anniversaries. My brothers and sister oh what fun we had. Winter pictures of ice skating, sledding and lots of snow, great for making the snowmen which we were all so proud of.
Friends and relatives, there are many. That photo album reminds me of the good times and the bad. The bad being of the friends and family that are no longer with us. My how time goes by. It seems to pass us by quite quickly these days.
Children, many pictures of my children. Of course starting when they were babies, amazing how many pictures I took. I wanted to capture as many moments as I could. First time sitting up, first steps, first birthdays, and first day of school the list could just go on and on. I find it fun to sit with family and friends and look through the photo albums. We laugh, talk and remember when. Oh what fun.


At January 29, 2012 at 6:03 AM , Blogger johngoldfine said...

This is nicely handled--I'm always looking in this prompt for a combination of visuals and memories--a lot of people skip the actual pictures and cut right to the memory part, and that will not do at all. But you subtly weave in the blueberry fields, the kitchen, holidays, the snow, the children's firsts, so that we can imagine the pictures adequately without needing detailed descriptions, and we certainly are given the writer and the weight of her feelings about the pictures.


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