Thursday, January 26, 2012

Week 1 Prompt--Know Thyself

Alone in a quiet room, but what is really happening.
As I am sitting here, in my quiet room, with my dancing fingers at the keyboard of my computer I think about what is really happening. Not always having made the best decisions in my life I am at a point, kind of late, where I need something more from and for myself. I am not saying that I necessarily made terrible decisions or was in trouble, as the decisions that I made seemed right at the time.
As a child my parents didn't teach me about saving money, investing or going to college to get a career. I grew up in Washington County where most people worked at seasonal jobs. Such as blueberry raking, clamming or worming, wreath making such things as that. My dad worked as a woodsman, a farrier and all of the seasonal stuff. I never remember him as having a regular, steady full time job. My mom stayed home most of the time as there was 5 of us children. Not that I am complaining, but just saying that the beginning ground work wasn't set.
Anyway, here is what is really happening. Due to some life changes, now being single and 50+ in a tough economy I decided that I needed to go back to school and get a career, still needing to work to support myself, this wasn't the easiest route to take. What was I thinking I often wonder.  Alone in a quiet room gives me a chance to think, sometimes not such a good idea, trying to get my life back into some sort of order. I feel as though I spend a lot of time in a quiet room trying to get through one homework assignment or another. Things don't stick quite as easy as they use to. Sometimes kicking myself in the butt for not having learned how to really study way back in high school.
Sometimes, I think wow you don't have much of a life. Work, school, study and sleep. Then I keep reminding myself all of the effort and hard work will be worth it in the end. My children and friends are supportive, which is a big help. Not sure if this is where I was supposed to have gone with this, but at the present is what is really happening in my quiet room. I CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!! 


At January 29, 2012 at 8:52 AM , Blogger johngoldfine said...

I appreciate how quickly you jump away from the obvious and simple interpretation of the prompt ('I have a roast in the oven and I've got to go check on it in a minute--that's what's happening!') and jumped to the more sophisticated and interesting approach. You give the prompt a very nice ride, generously offering the reader some autobio, some thoughts, some family history, and so on.


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