Monday, May 7, 2012

Week 15 Ending to the Beginning

Looking Back

I wasn't sure where this class would take me. I must say it has been an interesting semester of writing. I didn't think that I had it in me. I would find myself thinking, writing and rewriting in my head all week. I would be at work or driving to school and out of the blue it would come to me, awe that it what I was looking for to write about this week.

I must say that I like the descriptive writing pieces the best. I found my thoughts going faster than I could put them down, then dam, I would lose the thought process of which I was going. I learned some new things like vignettes. When I first saw the word I thought, what the hell is that word and what does it mean. Once I got my head wrapped around the type of writing, it was kind of fun. 

I must say that you certainly came up with some interesting topics for themes and prompts. Or what is the politically correct wording you used, I believe it was to use them as spring boards. Spring boards certainly do leap you up and over things if they are approached and hit correctly. It took me a little time and thought process but I was able to find the right approach and hit it correctly most of the time. 

I have certainly enjoyed the semester. I found within myself that with a little prompting and thought process that I can manage to find the right words. You have managed to pull out my strengths and weaknesses this semester. Thank you for preparing me for more writing next fall. 

The end of the semester is here. It seemed to have passed by rather quickly. Who knows I have a couple more years of schooling and I might get the pleasure of another class with you. It is kind of strange to have a teacher and a class where you don't have a face with the name. I am from the old school and this new online technology stuff seems a little different. Wasn't sure that I would like the online classes, but I discovered that I had more self disciple than I thought. 

Again, thank you for a good semester and enjoy your summer.


At May 8, 2012 at 7:29 AM , Blogger johngoldfine said...

Thanks for the kind words, glad I had something to offer, and you certainly had something to offer the course and me both.


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