Friday, April 27, 2012

Week 12 -- Prompt

Leaving Your Lover

Leaving your lover, brings about heartache and pain, for one or the other.

Not only does it cause pain for you or your partner. It goes much further than that.
There are family and friends on both sides. It effects them as well as either one of you.

Growing apart, you doing your thing and he doing his.
Where is it that your relationship starts drifting?

Drinking and drugs
Fights, abuse and apologizes
Over and over again.
Eventually there comes and end.

Just walk out and walk away.
Sounds easy, doesn't it?
If your not in that particular relationship,
Easy for you to make judgements.

Wait until he has gone to work,
Have friends or family ready to come in, throw shit together.
Get out before he comes home.

Back and forth,
Try again for the kids sake.
Roller coaster ride
Daddy here, daddy gone.

Not willing to make any compromises,
My way or the highway.
What to hell?

Grass looks greener on the other side of the fence.
Wait until you are there.
Certainly different shades of green.
Grass always turns brown from time to time.

Mutual agreements to end a relationship
Sounds good and simple
Still causes heartache and pain.
Someone always gets hurt.


At April 29, 2012 at 6:39 AM , Blogger johngoldfine said...

Whew, this is another corker--did you borrow the rhythm and feeling of it from that 'Stairways' piece? Another one for the school literary magazine?

Not a single line here I would change, question, modify, criticize and how often does that happen?


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