Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Week 2 Prompts

It was the first, but not the best--or was it?

The first what bicycle, horse or car?

My first bicycle, it wasn't the best cause it wasn't brand new it had been used by some other kid. But, I had to settle cause it was what I was getting. I put many a mile on that old bicycle. It didn't have some of the fancy stuff on it like the other kids had on theirs. But, to my surprise I think that mine might have been the best because my brakes didn't break, my foot petals stayed on and my handlebars stayed tight. Looking back maybe my first bicycle was the best after all.

Eventually, I got to graduate to my own horse. Here again, as with the bicycle, it wasn't the best horse there was around. Someone had given him to us and Dad said that he was mine. I thought oh, okay. But thinking to myself he doesn't look like much to me. Kind of tall and thin, feet not just perfect, didn't look as pretty as my friends horses did. But I didn't complain much as he was to be mine. He might have been the best as we spent several good years together. Come to find out even though he didn't look like much at first, He was better than some of the other horses. He had great speed, endurance and personality.

Of course then you get to where you think it is so great you can drive and have a car. Oh my, what an experience that was . Having to drive the cars my mother owned, which seemed more like pieces of junk than anything, I bought my first car. Went to a used car sales place in town and picked out what I wanted, had to borrow money from the bank to pay for it. Talked dad into co-signing for me. Wow, now I have payments, repairs and expenses. Maybe the first cars that I drove of my mothers weren't so bad after all. Today cars are not what the first ones were. My first car wasn't so bad after all. It lasted me along time, taught me responsibility and has provided me with many memories.

I have learned through the years, that even though you might not think that your first conversation, thought or act is the best be careful cause it just might be. Why is it that we think that we need something newer, better, or bigger to be the best, when in reality quite often the first one is usually the best one. What is the old saying, "Why fix it, if it isn't broken".


At February 2, 2012 at 11:57 AM , Blogger johngoldfine said...

I like the logical progression of vehicles and the parallel commentary you offer about each mode. Nice stuff.

My only suggestion is that the actual statement is stronger than you render it: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"


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