Sunday, February 26, 2012

Week 5 --- Prompt

The Battle Begins................

There has always been a competing battle between my sister, my niece and myself when it comes to horseback riding, barrel racing and such. I have only been back riding and competing again for a couple of years. So there for my sister thinks that she has an advantage over me, cause she has been riding and showing more consistently than I. We are in Knox, ME at the final barrel racing and pole bending show of the year.

Today I have decided that I would stay focused and positive. I am going to show her. My Arabian mare is a bit smaller than most of the horses. But, she has a lot of heart and some good speed. She can be a little hot headed at times but we are getting it together, did some changes with bits, tie-downs and such through out the season. My first run of the day was great. Mashalla, (my mares name) and I were right together. Oh it felt good, perfect turns around those barrels. "Wow, that was a good run, sis" Heidi says. "Yeah, it felt really good" I replied. they both had good first runs.

The day was going along really well. Couple of good riders and horses weren't starting out so good though. Kind of surprising when that happens. Oh well we all have good days and bad days. Standing at the fence waiting for one of the guys to enter the gate for his run, everyone just chit chatting, through the gate he comes heading for the first barrel and holy shit they didn't go around the first barrel, right up over the fence they went. Then down in a heap, horse and rider. People scurrying around everywhere, luckily horse nor rider got hurt really bad. A lot of hurt pride though, as he was one who usually is in the top four. I thought, wow glad that wasn't me. My mare as done some crazy stuff to me but nothing like that.

Barrels and pole bending Mashalla & I have been right on target all day. I am feeling a little cocky cause my sister and niece have had a few minor mishaps. Cause all I have heard all summer from them is I don't know why you keep that horse, I would get something different. She is to small, to high spirited, you'll never do anything with her. Now I am thinking I will show you guys, we just needed a little time to get in sink together. Although I must admit, I am getting a little nervous as the day goes on that it will end as good as it has started.

Down to the final events, horse and rider after horse and rider. Good run times and bad run times. Barrels knocked over disqualified, time added on, oh my stomach is getting tied in knots as I am watching and waiting my turn. There were some riders there that it matter if I beat or not, but I just wanted to beat my sister once and for all. My sister and niece do their runs before me. Did good not bad times at all. Now my name is called, it is my turn.Take a deep breath, make a couple of turns and through the gate we go.

I didn't know that there was anyone around or watching. I was in my own world, so focused and concentrating on what we needed to do. Around the first barrel, perfect position and set up for the second barrel now off to the third barrel, straight where I needed to be. Perfect turn and now straight for home. Oh my god I was so out of breath and excited could not have asked for a better run. Time announced, and I hear you bitch you beat me by 3 tenths of a second. I let a screeching whoop out of me. As that had been all I had wanted. The remainder of the riders did their runs. While we are waiting for the times and points to get figured, everyone is starting to get things packed up for the day. Of course I have a smile on my face a mile wide. Yes, my sister had all kinds of excuses about why I beat her.

Time for the results. Everyone gathered around the ring. Talk about things that happened during the day. Everyone tired as  it takes a lot of energy to ride well. Going through the different classes, winners being called third place goes to......, second place goes to........, reserve champion goes to.............., and champion is...................... Then we get to the 3-D Open Barrel class. Third place goes to................, second place goes to Heidi Grant, reserve champion goes to Deborah Grant, "Holy Shit that's me," I said. I couldn't believe it. I did it, finally I did it, I beat her. Well as usual she had all kinds of excuses. But I didn't care I was happy.  Next year is another year. Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Week 5 -- Prompt -- Rewrite

You Go On A Journey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My friend Phyllis calls and says to me, "Ready for a road trip? My daughter is going to attend a field hockey camp in Hyde Park, Maryland for a week with a couple of her friends. I thought that maybe we would take them. If you would drive and we could take the van. I am sure we can find plenty to do for the week."
"Sure you know me, always up for a road trip with you." I said "When do we leave?"

Settled. Saturday morning load girls, equipment and off we go. It was an easy drive down to Hyde Park. Got the girls signed in, settled then headed to our hotel. Tired it  was a long day of driving. Settled in and made our plans for the week ahead.  Phyllis and I took one day and went into Washington D.C. We were amazed as to how clean the subway was. We enjoyed D.C. It was a great learning experience even for us. We commented on how we want to bring the grandchildren. It was easier to get around than I thought it might have been. Checking out the area around Hyde Park. Got turned around a couple of times but that kind of stuff doesn't bother us any.

Phyllis's brother owns a Christmas Wreath business and we both work for him during that time of year. There are a couple of accounts that we deliver to in this area, so one of our mission was to go and meet them to put a face to the name and voice we have only heard on the telephone. One of the accounts is in Baltimore, MD.

 Wow, now the traffic and directions get confusing cause we are more or less winging this little day trip, triple lane highways, one way streets and traffic going in every direction.  Didn't have much of a problem with getting to the florist warehouse. City, with houses on top of houses, but didn't look like a bad area. Get out of the vehicle, make our way to the loading dock where we are met by a tall, nice looking man. Introduced ourselves and told him who we were here to see and why. "Okay" he said. "But this isn't really a very nice neighborhood for two, single, white women so be aware." Phyllis's eyes got really big and she about climbed in my hind pocket. "What do you mean, looks okay to me." Then he informed us a little bit about the neighborhood. See that barbed wired, fenced in area across the highway there, it is the state prison. Over here on this corner, that big yellow house is a crack house. But, I guess with it being this time of day you  are safe cause they are all sleeping now. Been up all night. Well from that time forward, needless to say Phyllis stayed quite close. She is more of a chicken than I am.We had a great tour of the greenhouse and it was great to have met Mr Gilliams, who until today had just been a voice on the other end of the phone. They actually walked us back to our car.

 Now for the interesting journey to get back to our hotel. We were given directions on how to get out of the city and back onto the highway and heading south. Sounded simple enough. Oh no, detour, well okay should still be fine. NOT!!!!!!!! Turned around all screwed up, what to hell do I do now? Simple enough, just stop at a gas station or something and ask for directions. By this time Phyllis is nervous cause she remembered what the man had told us and the area now isn't looking so nice. But, me being me stop at this little gas station to ask for directions. Jump out and in I go, kind of a rough looking crew but whatever. They give me directions, we were to far from where we needed to be. I go out to get back in the van and I'll be damned she had me lock out. I tap on the window, scare the shit out of her cause she was looking the other direction. She unlocks the door, I get in saying, "Why the hell did you lock me out?" Laughing she replied, "They can get you but I didn't want them to get me." "Thanks a lot" I said. "I think that I can get us back to where we need to be." Whewwwww, we did it. That night back at the room we talked and laughed about it. When we told the story to everyone else they thought it was quite funny. "Yeah, should have been there" I said.

Still today we will talk and laugh about this trip. It is always interesting when we travel. Never know what we will get ourselves into.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Week 5 -- Prompts

A Stranger Comes to Town

Most everyone that lived on our road was family. There really were only seven or eight houses within five miles, it was like a half circle, on either end of the road you had to go over the railroad tracks and then a little after the tracks you would hit  Route one which went through town.  Kind of quiet neighborhood most of the time. One of the houses was an old, vacant, rundown farmhouse with a big barn attached and attached to the barn was an old chicken barn. One summer day in the late 60's a new family moves into the neighborhood. Strangers in our neighborhood, not family, oh no.

Right not only were they strangers, but they were different. Long hair, differently dressed and an old Volkswagen van. They were HIPPIES!!!!!!!! Oh my god, what brings them to our neighborhood? It wasn't really a family as there were no kids, it wasn't even just a married couple, there were several people men and women all living together. Boy, was there a lot of talk around town about this. They were going to be free spirited and live off the land. Come to find out a couple of them had college degrees, but my dad said they sure had no common sense and did they have a lot to learn.

At first, none of us kids were allowed to go there unless we were with dad. Sure didn't know what these people were like. My parents not really sure if it was a good place for us to be. It turned out that they weren't bad, just really different from what we were used to. I remember that they had made dandelion wine and tried to get my parents to try it. Well my dad did, but not my mom. The food they ate was different then what we were used to. More earthy, supposedly healthier for you according to them. They grew pot plants everywhere.  They were always dressed what I thought at that time was weird. After awhile us kids were able to go there a little at a time. They made due with out much of anything at all and seemed pretty happy.

I think remembering back that the old farmhouse had burnt or maybe just became unsafe cause they never put much of any repairs into it. But anyway, the next thing we knew they were living in that old chicken coop barn. How nasty, cause they didn't really clean it or anything. They didn't care that they had no running water, no shower or stuff like that. They were not bad people and they sure brought a new way of life and meaning to our  neighborhood. Some of their friends bought land around the area and stayed. Still today they are referred to as the hippies. And it nothing to hear from local people, "Remember when the HIPPIES first moved to town?"

Week 5 -- Theme

Not sure if I am on the right track or not, but here goes anyway.

When I was in the seventh grade, we moved from Milbridge to Harrington. In Milbridge we had a nice house. What a shock when we moved to Harrington. We moved into what used to be an old one room schoolhouse, my dad told us it was where he had gone to school.

We went from all of the conveniences, to one big room which we separated off into rooms so to speak with furniture, curtains or whatever. There was no running water, no inside plumbing and the only thing for heat was the big old heater stove. At first, being in the summer wasn't to bad felt as though we were camping. As all of the old stories go, we had to lug water form the stream, which was at the bottom of a small hill. The drinking water though we would go across the road and get from my grandfathers house. The only good thing that I remember is that we didn't actually have to go outside to the outhouse. The outhouse was attached to the main building. Wow!!!!!!!!! what a change.

So anyway the summer wasn't bad. We did all of the things that we had always done. Planted a garden, had the chickens for eggs, raised a pig, live was as usual. But what a pain in the ass come winter. The outhouse was freezing cold, the house not much better in the morning, as the fire had gone out before morning. Always had to bring in wood. I look back on all of this now and wow wonder how in the world would kids today survive if they had to live through those days.

It was a beautiful winter day. The brook has flooded out into the meadow, and nicely frozen, great ice skating. There were always extra kids around our house, seems there were 5 of us and we were always allowed to have friends over. We all decided to get a bigger crowd together and have an ice skating party. We must have ended up with about 12 to 15 of us. My dad had just killed one of the pigs and was getting it ready to cut up and wrap to put in the freezer for some of our winter food.

My older cousin and his girlfriend were with us to ice skate. My parents had to go somewhere, maybe to the store to get wrapping paper or something. So they were brave and left all of us kids there ice skating and supposedly under the supervision of my cousin and I. My youngest brother was maybe 4 or 5. Couldn't ice skate but we had to take him anyway, pulling him around in a sled. Skated for a long time and then as usual we all started getting cold. At first, 2 or 3 would go to the  house, then not long and some more would go back to the house. Until eventually, we were all back at the house. Good thing we came up when we did cause the stove needed wood, or it wouldn't have been much warmer in the house.

Ice-skating works up an appetite. Everyone was hungry. Hot Chocolate was at the top of the order, and we went through a big canister. One of the girls said, "We drank it all, what will your mother say?" "Oh, she won't care," I replied. Looking through the cupboards, there wasn't much to eat. But, there were two trays of fresh pork chops in the fridge. Well, we decided that we would cook some of them. Some of them we did. Oh my god, actually we cooked most all of them.  Just as we were finishing up my parents came home.

What a mess we had needless to say mom wasn't very happy with the mess. But, she began giving off orders and it wasn't long before things were cleaned up. The rule was if you were there you had to help, didn't matter who you were. Then dad started to get things ready to take care of the pork. He got some of the loins and roast taken care of. Then he went to the fridge to get the pork chops to wrap and take care of. Oh my, he started to yell, "Where in the hell did all of the pork chops go?" "We were hungry so we cooked a few of them" I said. "A few" he yelled, "Looks like you cooked quite a few. What in the hell were you thinking?" "I don't know, they just wanted more." I replied.

Needless to say everyone scattered like flies. Dad didn't very often get mad about much, so everyone was surprised. He wasn't happy with us at all. 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Week 4 -- Prompts

Somebody just offered me the chance to get paid for gassing on about one of my favorite topics:  my job.

I am a CNA and absolutely love what I do. I have been told that it takes a certain kind of person to do that kind of work. I work in a nursing home with the elderly, although it isn't just the elderly these days. I see younger people coming into the facility as well. Some come with incurable diseases and others come for rehab. Rehab might be physical therapy after having knee or hip replacements, these residents eventually get to go home, exciting.

But, my favorites are the ones who actually live at the facility, if you will. I find it very interesting as far as the different personalities, likes and dislikes. Even though there are many frustrating moments, most of the time it can be very rewarding. Sometimes it is very sad, there are residents who almost never get visitors, cause they have no family or no family near by. Then, you see others who have family in every day almost.

I find it upsetting that we have to give the elderly so many medications. I do understand and realize that some of it is needed. But, like children with ADHD, let's medicate them so that we don't have to deal with them and their behaviors. Anyway, that is another whole different topic.

 The approach that you take sometimes can help make all the difference in the world. I tell the new aides all the time about approach. They need to approached slowly, and talk to them. When you talk to them and let them know what you are going to do, will help in how they respond to you. How would you like it if someone just came in your room, walked over to you and started grabbing your hand, taking your shirt off, washing your face or whatever without letting you know that you what they intend to do. Even though the resident might not be able to talk to you, you should still talk to them.

I, myself like the residents that are a little feisty. I like the challenge to try and win them over. This can take a while sometimes. The grumpy old men seem to be my favorite. First thing I have found is that you have to get them to trust you. If you tell them you will be back in 5 minutes, be back in 5 minutes. If they ask for something do it in a timely manner. Sit and talk to them, find out their interest. I try to get them to laugh. Don't be afraid to give hugs. Hugs are healthy for all.

This reminds me of  a little story. When I had first started at my current job, there was a little old man, who I would classify as one of these grumpy kind of guys. He wasn't usually very cooperative or nice to the girls much. "Oh yeah," I said to myself, "Where do I begin with him?" So day after day I would make it a point to go see him. "What to hell do you want?" he would say to me. Raising his voice, "Get to hell out of here, NO, I am not going to get ready for bed." He would growl, swear and carry on. But I would still continue to go see him every time I worked. Taking little steps, sitting on the bed beside him, not asking him to do anything, just basic conversation, how was your day, or how are you feeling, what did he know today? I would just put my hand on his, pat him on the back when I left. One day I found out that he used to be a boxer. This helped make for better conversation. Then as we were having better conversation, he would let me do more of his care. Finally he would laugh. He would start out being grumpy and I would say to him, "Oh stop that, you don't want be to be that way with you, do you?" He would laugh. I have found that back rubs are a good persuader. Now we laugh and joke, he seems to look forward to seeing me. "You again," he'll say laughing. Now he will even ask," Will you rub my back?" We fool around like we are boxing or wrestling, he is now being more sociable and agreeable most of the time. Also, I noticed that the other girls started to follow my lead and woooowwwww what a difference.

I love the challenges and I love my job.  

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Week 4 Theme -- Truth or Consequences

Black & White

Early one Saturday morning my sister, her daughter, our nephew and myself are getting ready to go to a barrel racing horse show. This one isn't very far away, it is in Harmony, at the annual fair the town has over Labor Day weekend.

The old grey truck and horse trailer is pretty much loaded, as we did that last night. Heidi and the kids are getting the horses from the barn. While I am getting the two front hay bags tied in place. My nephew, James,  and niece, Rhiannon bring their horse because they have to load first. Horse have to load certain ways so as to keep the weight in the trailer somewhat even.

James says, " I hope these horses load good today."

"Yeah, don't want to have to mess around with them this morning." Heidi replied.

Rhiannon says, "James your horse is the only one that loads like hell."

Heidi says, " Just wait until I get the side window open with some grain and she should be okay. Just go slow and easy. Rhiannon put your horse in first."

Well, it took James a couple of tries but she loaded pretty good. As for the other three horses they just walk on like nothing. Okay, finally check everything appears ready to roll. Off we go up route 150 to Harmony. Stop in Athens to get gas and coffee. I like stopping where I can pull straight in and out with the horse trailer on, cause it is so big and long.

Not long and we are arriving at the fair grounds. Looks like it will be a good crowd, people and cars every where. At the gate is a gentleman directing people where to go. Pulling in up by the ring with all the other trucks, trailers and horses I think some day I will have a nice truck and trailer like some of these, but on the other hand mine is better than some. Oh shit, of course I would have to back this thing up. You don;t even know how hard of a time I have with that.  Finally, get truck and trailer where it needs to be. Horses unloaded, tied to the side of the trailer. Hay bags and water buckets are in place so they can eat and drink while we are getting signed up for classes.

Let the events of the day begin.

Let's Have A Little Color

It was early one Saturday morning, it warm and the sun was shining bright. My sister Heidi, her daughter Rhiannon, our nephew, James and myself were off to a barrel racing horse show. Glad to see that the weather was better today than it was last weekend. Things were a little wet and soggy. Didn't have far to travel today cause the show was in Harmony. The horse show are one of the many events that will be going on at the annual town fair they hold over Labor Day Weekend.

My old grey truck and old horse trailer loaded and ready for another trip. They don't look the best but they get us where we want to go and back. Up they come from the barn with four horses in hand. We load the horse a certain way as to keep the weight even. James comes with his horse, which is a bay mare. Rhiannon with her appaloosa, gelding. Heidi has her brown and white paint mare and my bay gelding boy. I was getting hay bags put in place. Have to be careful as the red bags go with my sisters horses and the purple bags go with my horses. 

James says, " Sure do hope these horses load good today. They can be a pain in the ass sometimes."

Rhiannon says, " James it is generally that bitch of yours that won't load for shit. All the others load just fine."

Heidi replies, "Yeah, don't really have time to mess around this morning, want to get there a little early you know your Aunt has a hard time to maneuver this truck around." 

Heidi tying the horses she has to the side of the truck says, "Rhiannon, put your horse in first." On he goes good as can be. 

"James, now wait until I get the side window open, so she can see the grain. Go slow and easy." Heidi tells him.  

Starts in then, backs up and off the side of the ramp she goes. James snaps on her lead rope and speaks sharply at her, "Okay that's enough, get your ass on this trailer." Round and round a couple of more times they go. Finally, I get behind her with the whip and wave it back and forth on the ground behind her. She decides that maybe it is time to load. On she finally goes. I get the safety gates hooked behind them. Hay bags hung and hooks ready for the next two. As usual the next two walk right in. Safety gates hooked, ramp closed and hooked. Final check, everything looks ready to roll.

Off we go up route 150 into Athens, stop to get gas and coffee. It is just a small little village store. "Holy crap, what a busy place this morning. I thought it would be quick and easy but doesn't look like it will be quick today." I said.

Heidi says, " We'll go get coffee and stuff while you wait to get gas."

"Okay" I replied. "I want to be able to pull straight in, so I can get out easier. Cause this horse trailer is so big and long."

Back on the road, not long and we are at the fair grounds. Looks like it will be a good crowd, people and cars everywhere. At the gate is a tall, thin man directing people as to where to go. He sends us off the the right where all the other trucks and horse trailers are. 
"I hope that we are early enough so that I don;t have to maneuver this trailer around much." I said. 

Heidi replies, "Will you ever learn to drive this damn truck and trailer."

"Oh, someday maybe, I will figure it out." I said laughing.

James says laughing, "Oh don't worry Aunt Deb, in a couple of years I'll be able to drive. Then you won't have to worry about it."

Sure enough, never enough room. As we are setting there waiting for the truck and trailer ahead of us to park I am thinking one of these days I will be able to have a nice truck and trailer like that one. Pretty blue truck with pin-striping. With the color and pin-striping of the trailer to match. Oh shit, sure enough, I have to back this rig up. Forward, backward, turn right, turn left what to hell. Finally, in position and parked. 

Heidi and I both at about the same time said, " We will help get the horses unloaded and tied to the trailer. Then you two get their hay bags and water buckets so they can eat and drink while we get signed up for classes."

Off to the little building we go to get everyone signed up for classes. There are a couple of people ahead of us. We finally get to the window and get us all signed up for classes. Now I guess we are ready to let the events of the day get started.

 On To The Blast

It is early Saturday morning, my sister Heidi, her daughter Rhiannon, our nephew James, and myself are off to a barrel racing horse show. This time not having to travel far, as we do a lot of time, cause it is only in Harmony. It isn't uncommon to travel to Knox, Milbridge or even Pembroke. The Town of Harmony has this fair every year over Labor Day weekend. The horse show is just one of the many events that will be gong on there.

"Let's see how this new trailer works today. We probably won't be able to find anything." I said.
"Yeah, but it is better than the other one, cause now we have a more room." Heidi says. 

This new horse trailer has hooks for the hay bags, and good trailer ties. Now we don't have to tie the horses in with lead ropes.I have to remember which hay bags go where as Heidi's horses have the red ones and mine have the purple ones. We load the horses on in the same order every time. It is important to keep the weight even out as much as possible so the trailer hauls easily.

"Okay let's go get the horses. It will be interesting to see how well they load, where the trailer is new." I said

Rhiannon pipes up with "James's horse is the only one that usually loads like hell. But, you know mom horse can have an attitude when things aren't the same."

"Well, we will just have to wait and see. Just give them time to check it out. Can't push." Heidi says.

In goes Rhiannon's Appaloosa gelding good as can be. Then again not much bothers him anyway. Now is time for James's bitchy bay  mare. They get along well, attitude, attitude. Front feet in the trailer, stops, jumps back and around she goes. James not very happy. Okay, they try again. This time not any better, gives a little rear, gives James a pull and around they go again. James gives a jerk on the rope and gets her to stand quite for  a minute. Glad we started early. Heidi getting the lounge whip from the truck gets behind her and swishes it by her hind ankles. Couple of steps, stop. Few more steps, decides she doesn't like the whip at her heels. Then again, now she sees the grain decides to jump into the trailer. Heidi's paint mare hesitates for a minute or two, feet in, feet out but makes her way it. My bay gelding looks things over and saunters on in.

Off we go all decked out in our blue jeans, fancy western shirts, cowboy boots and hats. Up route 150 into Athens, where I will stop for gas and coffee. Need that coffee. They get out to go get the coffee and whatever else while I wait to pump gas. A couple of local people I know stop to look at the horses and comments, "Guess we know who has the money."

"Not any more," I replied, "You're looking at it."

Finally, out they come. The little Athens store is busy this morning. People and vehicles going every which way. "It will be interesting to see how well I get out of here," I said. "Heidi watch for cars coming cause I can't see a damn thing."

"After this white truck you can go" she says.

Whew, finally back on the road, not far to Harmony now. Wow there is a good crowd here today by the looks of the cars. I was hoping to get here early but guess that didn't work. Making my way through traffic to get to the gate. Waiting at the gate to find out where they are sending the horse people. James is cracking jokes about how bad of a driver I am with this horse trailer on. Man I can't back this thing up for the life of me. Forward, backward, turn this way, turn that way finally getting it  backed into place. Get the horses unloaded and tied to the side of trailer. They were glad to be out of the trailer. Funny how they come off easier than they go on.

Over to the building we go to get signed up for classes. Oh of course I forgot my papers in the truck, tuned to go get them, didn't pay attention, missed a step and fell down. Only thing hurt was my pride, was I embarrassed. Finally got myself together all registered. Hope that this day gets better.

Oh well, let's get the events started.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Week 4 -- Prompts

Laying at the foot of my bed is a patchwork blanket. This blanket is hand sewn and made of squares, solids stripe and printed, with a pink backing and border. It is probably twenty-five plus years old. My aunt had made it for a family reunion and it has many names which were signed on it that day, many which are now fading. I had been fortunate enough to won it on a raffle that day. I just recently have started to have it out, was packed for many years cause I refused to use it.

If only this patchwork blanket could talk. It would be interesting to hear what it would have to say about the conversations that took place that day of the family reunion. I was much younger and remember that there were a lot of people there that I really didn't know. Some came from out of state, others from areas of Maine and of course some with in the local surrounding towns of where the reunion was held. If this blanket could talk it could tell me the names and which square they were on  so I could put them back on, this time with a permanent marker. It was a great day, as I remember.

I read the names on the blanket, if the blanket could talk it could remind me who a few of the names are that, I don't remember.. It could tell stories of those that have died. I would love to hear it tell of my grandparents, even though I remember very well. It could tell of me about my great aunt and uncle who managed and run a crew of blueberry rakers for years. I think back and remember that some of the family that lived away would take vacation the month of August. They would take their vacation to come camp out and rake blueberries. I am sure the patchwork blanket could tell a lot that I don't remember. I think that it would be interesting to hear what it might say.

If only this patchwork blanket could talk...........I could learn the answer to a lot of questions??????????? Such as: What were some of the conversations that took place while my aunt was making it? I wonder how many times she poked herself with the needle? If any. How long did it take her to make the blanket? What gave her the idea to make the blanket and have everyone sign it?

Oh patchwork blanket tell me how did it feel to come together one square at a time? Having all those hands on you as they signed their names. What did you think?  Probably wasn't very fun having been packed away all those years? Oh patchwork blanket if only you could talk to me.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Week 4 -- Prompt

Wishing, Lying, Dreaming, Dancing, Boxing, Cooking, What is writing like for you?

Writing, well let's see what is it like to me. I guess I needed to thing about this for a bit. Depending on the day or the topic makes a difference to me as to what it is like. I would have to ask myself what is it that I am writing? Am I writing for fun, such as in a journal,  writing about something that I could give two shits about or writing for an assignment that I do at least have an interest in? As, I was thinking about this writing prompt, it came to me that writing is actually a couple of things. Let me continue and explain:

When I write for fun or on an assignment of interest it is like my fingers dance over the keyboard. My thoughts flow freely as being gracefully waltzed across the dance floor to the rhythm of the music. With each graceful step to the beat of the music my fingers dance steps across the keys. If you listen while you are typing, you can hear a rhythm and a beat that you are creating with the tapping of the keys. Then like in a song the words come out of the tapping of a different drum. The next time that you are writing and tapping away at your keyboard, take the time to listen to the rhythm and beat that you are creating. Who knows maybe you can find those dancing fingers, also.

But on the other hand, having to write a paper that I put off to the last minute (pressure) or is over a subject that I could give a shit less about (punch) is another whole story. Boxing match for sure. I feel that it is like a boxing match, because for one thing it is a fight to sit down with my laptop and make myself write. Then I think that I know what I want to write, then I read it, doesn't even make sense. Backspace or high-light and delete (punch, punch) take a couple of steps backward. Oh my God, I finally have a good paragraph and guess what it even makes sense, (the pressure is on) here I go. Step, step, punch I am finally gaining some ground now. Then oh shit, I should have had that back in the beginning of the other section. Oh damn, that hurt (punch), steps backward, punched again. So, by the time I get this paper done I certainly feel like I have been through about eight rounds of a boxing match.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Week 3 --Prompt

A nursing home and rehab facility can be an interesting place to work sometimes. It is a home for the elderly, who are unable to care for themselves, or that the family, (if any) are able to care for them. There are elderly wandering around aimlessly, with no direction in mind. Then there are those that are unable to walk so they are in wheelchairs tooling around here and there. The TV is sounding off in the common area for those who watch it.

Nurses are at the desk trying to do paperwork, talk on the phone and answer questions for the CNA's.  CNA's are here and there trying to get residents from one place to another, and trying to work on their charting. Administration and social services people back and forth pulling charts or what ever. Visitors and family members are coming and going, stopping to talk with the nurses or aides.

My shift of workers are starting to file in. Waiting for report to get started with the duties of the day. I am approached by a co-worker and asked, "If I was interested in the Super Bowl?"

I replied, "No, don't care much about football."

So then comes the question. Leona asked, "Would you want to work for me on Sunday, cause I love football and all of the family would like to get together?"

I thought for a minuter and said, "Let me think about it and I will get back to you."

So through out the evening as I was doing my work, in my head I was having a conversation between me and myself.

I say to myself, "Awe shit, what do I want to do?"

Self replies after a moment, "Well, you don't really care about watching the game, but the grandsons are wrestling that day."

"Oh, I know." I thought. Saying to self, "But it is really only the first regular meet of the season and it is in Oxford Hills, long day. Also, it would give me a chance to catch up on some homework and get on track. Besides I could use the extra money."

Thoughts and conversation interrupted by the commotion of trying to get everyone to the dinning room for supper. Dinning room a busy place with trying to get everyone served and fed. While I sit to feed one of the residents my thoughts go back to my dilemma of  what to hell I want to do.

Self says, "Well you know that if you work for her she will be more willing to work for you sometime when you need it. So what to hell are you going to lose, just bite the bullet and work. There are going to be wrestling meets every weekend for the next month or so."

"Oh alright, I will tell her that I will work. It will be okay." I told myself.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Week 3 --Prompt

Entering the parking lot of the Skowhegan High School, I think wow there are a lot of people here today for the home wrestling meet. Quietly, I enter the school acknowledge the people at the table gathering admission fees.  There are several of them behind the table, couple of them taking money, couple of them chit, chatting as they are trying to fold and organize t-shirts and sweatshirts that will be for sale. Over on the other side is the concession booth. I can smell the onions they have cooking on the electric griddle with the hotdogs. Parents and children waiting in line to get some snacks.

After paying my admission fee, I enter the gymnasium where the kids will be wrestling. Making my way up into the bleachers, I quietly sit and watch. There are many things going on. Coaches and wrestlers are gathering in different areas of the gym. With each team you can see the gathering of family and friends that have come to watch the kids wrestle. Leaning against the wall are men standing and appear to be having conversation. The bleachers are filling more and more as spectators are entering.

Most of the gym floor is covered with mats for the wrestling matches to take place. There seems to be eight different places where the matches will take place. I can tell this as there are eight tables set up with point cards hanging in the front and are numbered one through eight. Each table has at least three people at them if not more. The head table appears to be very busy with staff and coaches trying to get things set to get the matches under way.

There are adults and children every where you look. On the mats are many kids, some wrestlers and some aren't. Some kids are warming up and others just raising hell. People are up and down the bleachers, heading to the bathroom, or out to get something to eat or drink, back and forth they come and go.

Then somewhere mixed up in the noise and commotion of the events you hear baffled in there somewhere, Clear the mats please. Please clear the mats. Along with the announcement you see ref and other staff ushering the kids off the mats. I can see them going to their perspective area, as the colored singlets start grouping together. Then you hear all rise for our National Anthem. Everyone standing, most hats removed, most showing respect to the flag. As the National Anthem is played.

At the end of the National Anthem you hear names being called as the wrestlers head to their specified mats for the opening matches of the day.

Week 3 -- Theme Scene setting & dialog

Finally, everyone is gone, been a long day, 50th surprise birthday parties are alot of work. Cluttered picnic tables, decorations, wet beach towels and drink cups everywhere. Music still playing in the background. Out over the pond is a beautiful sunset.
My friend Sue and I tired from the days events are stretched out in lawn chairs, wiht our last drinks of the evening.

"Aweeeeeee, I am exhausted.' Says Sue.

Yawning I replied, "I know what ya mean, me to."

There we sit for a few minutes listening to the Beatles song playing on the radio and sipping our drinks.

Sue says, "I think that Chester was really surprised. Did you see his face when everyone jumped out and started singing Happy Birthday? I think that everyone had a good time."

"Yeah, I think they did. But, boy what a mess we have to clean up. I don't know about you, but my thought is to hell with any clean up for tonight. I'm tired want to just sit and finish my drink and do nothing." 

"I'm with you but, we do need to atleast take care of some of the food. Can't leave that out all night." replied Sue.

Getting up from my chair with my empty drink cup in hand, I said, "Okay then let's get it done so we can just sit back and relax. I am going to make another drink to go along with the clean up."

"Oh my God, I can't believe that we have such a mess, I thought that everyone took their dishes and stuff when they left. Doesn't look like it though. Oh, well make me another drink to and we'll get it done."

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Week 3 Prompts

Nestled back in the woods just off the rocky shore line of the pond sits a rustic cabin with a small covered porch. One early summer morning, we sit in the sunshine sipping our coffee and watch the loons out on the pond. Off in the distance you can hear the frogs peeping and the birds singing. I say to my friend, Crystal, "Hey, it's a beautiful day, let's get the canoeing." She laughs and says, "Okay that sounds like a good idea. where will we go?" "Oh I don't know, across the pond and back" I replied, "That will take us awhile" she says. Replying "I don't think it should take us that long, anyway what else have we got to do today." So off we go around the back off the cabin to get the canoe.

I tell Crystal, "Be careful cause it is kind of wet back here, had a lot  of rain this spring." "Oh shit, I see that I just got my foot wet." replied Crystal. Laughing I reply, "Oh, you'll be okay. We probably will be wetter than that before we are done today." Hee, Hee you're not funny." Crystal says. With canoe in hand off we go to the pond. Crystal asks, " Do you think that we should take some stuff to drink or snack on with us?" I thought about it for a minute and said, "Might not be bad idea, I guess."  Finally get all of our stuff together and in the canoe.

I told Crystal, "You go ahead, get in first and get situated, then I will push us out and get in." Making her way into the canoe says, "Okay, but make sure you wait until I am ready." "Oh for god sake stop your whining and lets get going or we will never get there and back today" I replied. Finally, all settled in and off we go. The sunlight is sparkling bright off the still water of the pond. "Wow," Crystal says, "Wish I had brought my sunglasses, that sun is really bright." Yeah, I know didn't even think about it." I replied.

Gliding along smoothly over the water, listening to the sounds of the water splash from the paddles, the birds singing and the occasional call of the loons back and forth to one another. "Oh look we are not the only one's at the pond this weekend, the Martins are here." I told Crystal. "Well, it is a long weekend remember, probably they are getting things opened up for the summer. They do spend a lot of time here." replies Crystal. Continuing along our journey we see some fish jumping, the loons diving up and down in the water and look there is a deer standing on the bank of the pond drinking water. We stop for a moment to watch.

Breaking the silence I said, "Oh my God, I just love this, it is so peaceful." "I know, that is why I enjoy coming out this time of year cause all of the summer people aren't here yet. Once they get here it isn't quite so peaceful." replied Crystal. "Well, what do you say we start out journey back." I ask "Where are the drinks, could wet my whistle first I guess."   "I didn't put them in did you? Oh shit, guess we don't get a drink till we get back." snickered Crystal. "What to hell, okay let's go then."  Off across the pond we went, seemed that we were gliding along a little faster on the way back. All of a sudden you hear me shreak, " Awwww, that's cold, what to hell ya do that for?' Crystal laughing, "Just thought that ya needed to be cooled off a bit." Oh yeah, funny, that's okay I will get you later. Remember pay backs can be a  bitch." I told her.