Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Week 4 -- Prompt

Wishing, Lying, Dreaming, Dancing, Boxing, Cooking, What is writing like for you?

Writing, well let's see what is it like to me. I guess I needed to thing about this for a bit. Depending on the day or the topic makes a difference to me as to what it is like. I would have to ask myself what is it that I am writing? Am I writing for fun, such as in a journal,  writing about something that I could give two shits about or writing for an assignment that I do at least have an interest in? As, I was thinking about this writing prompt, it came to me that writing is actually a couple of things. Let me continue and explain:

When I write for fun or on an assignment of interest it is like my fingers dance over the keyboard. My thoughts flow freely as being gracefully waltzed across the dance floor to the rhythm of the music. With each graceful step to the beat of the music my fingers dance steps across the keys. If you listen while you are typing, you can hear a rhythm and a beat that you are creating with the tapping of the keys. Then like in a song the words come out of the tapping of a different drum. The next time that you are writing and tapping away at your keyboard, take the time to listen to the rhythm and beat that you are creating. Who knows maybe you can find those dancing fingers, also.

But on the other hand, having to write a paper that I put off to the last minute (pressure) or is over a subject that I could give a shit less about (punch) is another whole story. Boxing match for sure. I feel that it is like a boxing match, because for one thing it is a fight to sit down with my laptop and make myself write. Then I think that I know what I want to write, then I read it, doesn't even make sense. Backspace or high-light and delete (punch, punch) take a couple of steps backward. Oh my God, I finally have a good paragraph and guess what it even makes sense, (the pressure is on) here I go. Step, step, punch I am finally gaining some ground now. Then oh shit, I should have had that back in the beginning of the other section. Oh damn, that hurt (punch), steps backward, punched again. So, by the time I get this paper done I certainly feel like I have been through about eight rounds of a boxing match.


At February 9, 2012 at 7:35 AM , Blogger johngoldfine said...

Why not consider simply dropping the first graf? It's a way to get started, but everything you do there, you wind up doing better in the last two grafs!


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