Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Week 4 Theme -- Truth or Consequences

Black & White

Early one Saturday morning my sister, her daughter, our nephew and myself are getting ready to go to a barrel racing horse show. This one isn't very far away, it is in Harmony, at the annual fair the town has over Labor Day weekend.

The old grey truck and horse trailer is pretty much loaded, as we did that last night. Heidi and the kids are getting the horses from the barn. While I am getting the two front hay bags tied in place. My nephew, James,  and niece, Rhiannon bring their horse because they have to load first. Horse have to load certain ways so as to keep the weight in the trailer somewhat even.

James says, " I hope these horses load good today."

"Yeah, don't want to have to mess around with them this morning." Heidi replied.

Rhiannon says, "James your horse is the only one that loads like hell."

Heidi says, " Just wait until I get the side window open with some grain and she should be okay. Just go slow and easy. Rhiannon put your horse in first."

Well, it took James a couple of tries but she loaded pretty good. As for the other three horses they just walk on like nothing. Okay, finally check everything appears ready to roll. Off we go up route 150 to Harmony. Stop in Athens to get gas and coffee. I like stopping where I can pull straight in and out with the horse trailer on, cause it is so big and long.

Not long and we are arriving at the fair grounds. Looks like it will be a good crowd, people and cars every where. At the gate is a gentleman directing people where to go. Pulling in up by the ring with all the other trucks, trailers and horses I think some day I will have a nice truck and trailer like some of these, but on the other hand mine is better than some. Oh shit, of course I would have to back this thing up. You don;t even know how hard of a time I have with that.  Finally, get truck and trailer where it needs to be. Horses unloaded, tied to the side of the trailer. Hay bags and water buckets are in place so they can eat and drink while we are getting signed up for classes.

Let the events of the day begin.

Let's Have A Little Color

It was early one Saturday morning, it warm and the sun was shining bright. My sister Heidi, her daughter Rhiannon, our nephew, James and myself were off to a barrel racing horse show. Glad to see that the weather was better today than it was last weekend. Things were a little wet and soggy. Didn't have far to travel today cause the show was in Harmony. The horse show are one of the many events that will be going on at the annual town fair they hold over Labor Day Weekend.

My old grey truck and old horse trailer loaded and ready for another trip. They don't look the best but they get us where we want to go and back. Up they come from the barn with four horses in hand. We load the horse a certain way as to keep the weight even. James comes with his horse, which is a bay mare. Rhiannon with her appaloosa, gelding. Heidi has her brown and white paint mare and my bay gelding boy. I was getting hay bags put in place. Have to be careful as the red bags go with my sisters horses and the purple bags go with my horses. 

James says, " Sure do hope these horses load good today. They can be a pain in the ass sometimes."

Rhiannon says, " James it is generally that bitch of yours that won't load for shit. All the others load just fine."

Heidi replies, "Yeah, don't really have time to mess around this morning, want to get there a little early you know your Aunt has a hard time to maneuver this truck around." 

Heidi tying the horses she has to the side of the truck says, "Rhiannon, put your horse in first." On he goes good as can be. 

"James, now wait until I get the side window open, so she can see the grain. Go slow and easy." Heidi tells him.  

Starts in then, backs up and off the side of the ramp she goes. James snaps on her lead rope and speaks sharply at her, "Okay that's enough, get your ass on this trailer." Round and round a couple of more times they go. Finally, I get behind her with the whip and wave it back and forth on the ground behind her. She decides that maybe it is time to load. On she finally goes. I get the safety gates hooked behind them. Hay bags hung and hooks ready for the next two. As usual the next two walk right in. Safety gates hooked, ramp closed and hooked. Final check, everything looks ready to roll.

Off we go up route 150 into Athens, stop to get gas and coffee. It is just a small little village store. "Holy crap, what a busy place this morning. I thought it would be quick and easy but doesn't look like it will be quick today." I said.

Heidi says, " We'll go get coffee and stuff while you wait to get gas."

"Okay" I replied. "I want to be able to pull straight in, so I can get out easier. Cause this horse trailer is so big and long."

Back on the road, not long and we are at the fair grounds. Looks like it will be a good crowd, people and cars everywhere. At the gate is a tall, thin man directing people as to where to go. He sends us off the the right where all the other trucks and horse trailers are. 
"I hope that we are early enough so that I don;t have to maneuver this trailer around much." I said. 

Heidi replies, "Will you ever learn to drive this damn truck and trailer."

"Oh, someday maybe, I will figure it out." I said laughing.

James says laughing, "Oh don't worry Aunt Deb, in a couple of years I'll be able to drive. Then you won't have to worry about it."

Sure enough, never enough room. As we are setting there waiting for the truck and trailer ahead of us to park I am thinking one of these days I will be able to have a nice truck and trailer like that one. Pretty blue truck with pin-striping. With the color and pin-striping of the trailer to match. Oh shit, sure enough, I have to back this rig up. Forward, backward, turn right, turn left what to hell. Finally, in position and parked. 

Heidi and I both at about the same time said, " We will help get the horses unloaded and tied to the trailer. Then you two get their hay bags and water buckets so they can eat and drink while we get signed up for classes."

Off to the little building we go to get everyone signed up for classes. There are a couple of people ahead of us. We finally get to the window and get us all signed up for classes. Now I guess we are ready to let the events of the day get started.

 On To The Blast

It is early Saturday morning, my sister Heidi, her daughter Rhiannon, our nephew James, and myself are off to a barrel racing horse show. This time not having to travel far, as we do a lot of time, cause it is only in Harmony. It isn't uncommon to travel to Knox, Milbridge or even Pembroke. The Town of Harmony has this fair every year over Labor Day weekend. The horse show is just one of the many events that will be gong on there.

"Let's see how this new trailer works today. We probably won't be able to find anything." I said.
"Yeah, but it is better than the other one, cause now we have a more room." Heidi says. 

This new horse trailer has hooks for the hay bags, and good trailer ties. Now we don't have to tie the horses in with lead ropes.I have to remember which hay bags go where as Heidi's horses have the red ones and mine have the purple ones. We load the horses on in the same order every time. It is important to keep the weight even out as much as possible so the trailer hauls easily.

"Okay let's go get the horses. It will be interesting to see how well they load, where the trailer is new." I said

Rhiannon pipes up with "James's horse is the only one that usually loads like hell. But, you know mom horse can have an attitude when things aren't the same."

"Well, we will just have to wait and see. Just give them time to check it out. Can't push." Heidi says.

In goes Rhiannon's Appaloosa gelding good as can be. Then again not much bothers him anyway. Now is time for James's bitchy bay  mare. They get along well, attitude, attitude. Front feet in the trailer, stops, jumps back and around she goes. James not very happy. Okay, they try again. This time not any better, gives a little rear, gives James a pull and around they go again. James gives a jerk on the rope and gets her to stand quite for  a minute. Glad we started early. Heidi getting the lounge whip from the truck gets behind her and swishes it by her hind ankles. Couple of steps, stop. Few more steps, decides she doesn't like the whip at her heels. Then again, now she sees the grain decides to jump into the trailer. Heidi's paint mare hesitates for a minute or two, feet in, feet out but makes her way it. My bay gelding looks things over and saunters on in.

Off we go all decked out in our blue jeans, fancy western shirts, cowboy boots and hats. Up route 150 into Athens, where I will stop for gas and coffee. Need that coffee. They get out to go get the coffee and whatever else while I wait to pump gas. A couple of local people I know stop to look at the horses and comments, "Guess we know who has the money."

"Not any more," I replied, "You're looking at it."

Finally, out they come. The little Athens store is busy this morning. People and vehicles going every which way. "It will be interesting to see how well I get out of here," I said. "Heidi watch for cars coming cause I can't see a damn thing."

"After this white truck you can go" she says.

Whew, finally back on the road, not far to Harmony now. Wow there is a good crowd here today by the looks of the cars. I was hoping to get here early but guess that didn't work. Making my way through traffic to get to the gate. Waiting at the gate to find out where they are sending the horse people. James is cracking jokes about how bad of a driver I am with this horse trailer on. Man I can't back this thing up for the life of me. Forward, backward, turn this way, turn that way finally getting it  backed into place. Get the horses unloaded and tied to the side of trailer. They were glad to be out of the trailer. Funny how they come off easier than they go on.

Over to the building we go to get signed up for classes. Oh of course I forgot my papers in the truck, tuned to go get them, didn't pay attention, missed a step and fell down. Only thing hurt was my pride, was I embarrassed. Finally got myself together all registered. Hope that this day gets better.

Oh well, let's get the events started.


At February 16, 2012 at 10:51 AM , Blogger johngoldfine said...

"Not any more," I replied, "You're looking at it."

LOLz here at that--just read it to my wife. We have three moneyburners in our barn.

YOu give us three nicely textured versions, each with the skeleton, and the last two offering fancy variations, while still sticking to the same outline. Let's say versions 1, 2, 3 are like a walk, trot, canter--it all happens on the same animal but the experience is different at each gait.


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