Sunday, February 5, 2012

Week 3 --Prompt

A nursing home and rehab facility can be an interesting place to work sometimes. It is a home for the elderly, who are unable to care for themselves, or that the family, (if any) are able to care for them. There are elderly wandering around aimlessly, with no direction in mind. Then there are those that are unable to walk so they are in wheelchairs tooling around here and there. The TV is sounding off in the common area for those who watch it.

Nurses are at the desk trying to do paperwork, talk on the phone and answer questions for the CNA's.  CNA's are here and there trying to get residents from one place to another, and trying to work on their charting. Administration and social services people back and forth pulling charts or what ever. Visitors and family members are coming and going, stopping to talk with the nurses or aides.

My shift of workers are starting to file in. Waiting for report to get started with the duties of the day. I am approached by a co-worker and asked, "If I was interested in the Super Bowl?"

I replied, "No, don't care much about football."

So then comes the question. Leona asked, "Would you want to work for me on Sunday, cause I love football and all of the family would like to get together?"

I thought for a minuter and said, "Let me think about it and I will get back to you."

So through out the evening as I was doing my work, in my head I was having a conversation between me and myself.

I say to myself, "Awe shit, what do I want to do?"

Self replies after a moment, "Well, you don't really care about watching the game, but the grandsons are wrestling that day."

"Oh, I know." I thought. Saying to self, "But it is really only the first regular meet of the season and it is in Oxford Hills, long day. Also, it would give me a chance to catch up on some homework and get on track. Besides I could use the extra money."

Thoughts and conversation interrupted by the commotion of trying to get everyone to the dinning room for supper. Dinning room a busy place with trying to get everyone served and fed. While I sit to feed one of the residents my thoughts go back to my dilemma of  what to hell I want to do.

Self says, "Well you know that if you work for her she will be more willing to work for you sometime when you need it. So what to hell are you going to lose, just bite the bullet and work. There are going to be wrestling meets every weekend for the next month or so."

"Oh alright, I will tell her that I will work. It will be okay." I told myself.


At February 5, 2012 at 8:44 AM , Blogger johngoldfine said...

So, here it is Sunday, so I guess I know where you are--I really like the description of the facility in the first two grafs--very visual--and the conversation with yourself is well-handled too.


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