Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Week 3 Prompts

Nestled back in the woods just off the rocky shore line of the pond sits a rustic cabin with a small covered porch. One early summer morning, we sit in the sunshine sipping our coffee and watch the loons out on the pond. Off in the distance you can hear the frogs peeping and the birds singing. I say to my friend, Crystal, "Hey, it's a beautiful day, let's get the canoeing." She laughs and says, "Okay that sounds like a good idea. where will we go?" "Oh I don't know, across the pond and back" I replied, "That will take us awhile" she says. Replying "I don't think it should take us that long, anyway what else have we got to do today." So off we go around the back off the cabin to get the canoe.

I tell Crystal, "Be careful cause it is kind of wet back here, had a lot  of rain this spring." "Oh shit, I see that I just got my foot wet." replied Crystal. Laughing I reply, "Oh, you'll be okay. We probably will be wetter than that before we are done today." Hee, Hee you're not funny." Crystal says. With canoe in hand off we go to the pond. Crystal asks, " Do you think that we should take some stuff to drink or snack on with us?" I thought about it for a minute and said, "Might not be bad idea, I guess."  Finally get all of our stuff together and in the canoe.

I told Crystal, "You go ahead, get in first and get situated, then I will push us out and get in." Making her way into the canoe says, "Okay, but make sure you wait until I am ready." "Oh for god sake stop your whining and lets get going or we will never get there and back today" I replied. Finally, all settled in and off we go. The sunlight is sparkling bright off the still water of the pond. "Wow," Crystal says, "Wish I had brought my sunglasses, that sun is really bright." Yeah, I know didn't even think about it." I replied.

Gliding along smoothly over the water, listening to the sounds of the water splash from the paddles, the birds singing and the occasional call of the loons back and forth to one another. "Oh look we are not the only one's at the pond this weekend, the Martins are here." I told Crystal. "Well, it is a long weekend remember, probably they are getting things opened up for the summer. They do spend a lot of time here." replies Crystal. Continuing along our journey we see some fish jumping, the loons diving up and down in the water and look there is a deer standing on the bank of the pond drinking water. We stop for a moment to watch.

Breaking the silence I said, "Oh my God, I just love this, it is so peaceful." "I know, that is why I enjoy coming out this time of year cause all of the summer people aren't here yet. Once they get here it isn't quite so peaceful." replied Crystal. "Well, what do you say we start out journey back." I ask "Where are the drinks, could wet my whistle first I guess."   "I didn't put them in did you? Oh shit, guess we don't get a drink till we get back." snickered Crystal. "What to hell, okay let's go then."  Off across the pond we went, seemed that we were gliding along a little faster on the way back. All of a sudden you hear me shreak, " Awwww, that's cold, what to hell ya do that for?' Crystal laughing, "Just thought that ya needed to be cooled off a bit." Oh yeah, funny, that's okay I will get you later. Remember pay backs can be a  bitch." I told her.


At February 2, 2012 at 12:02 PM , Blogger johngoldfine said...

Strong description of scene, dialogue maybe meanders a bit but no one said you had to write hard-hitting stuff.

For dialogue, a new paragraph for each speaker, so your last graf might go like this:

Breaking the silence I said, "Oh my God, I just love this, it is so peaceful."

"I know, that is why I enjoy coming out this time of year cause all of the summer people aren't here yet. Once they get here it isn't quite so peaceful." replied Crystal. "Well, what do you say we start out journey back."

I ask "Where are the drinks, could wet my whistle first I guess."

"I didn't put them in did you? Oh shit, guess we don't get a drink till we get back." snickered Crystal.

"What to hell, okay let's go then." Off across the pond we went, seemed that we were gliding along a little faster on the way back. All of a sudden you hear me shreak, " Awwww, that's cold, what to hell ya do that for?'

Crystal laughing, "Just thought that ya needed to be cooled off a bit."

"Oh yeah, funny, that's okay I will get you later. Remember pay backs can be a bitch." I told her.


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