Sunday, February 26, 2012

Week 5 --- Prompt

The Battle Begins................

There has always been a competing battle between my sister, my niece and myself when it comes to horseback riding, barrel racing and such. I have only been back riding and competing again for a couple of years. So there for my sister thinks that she has an advantage over me, cause she has been riding and showing more consistently than I. We are in Knox, ME at the final barrel racing and pole bending show of the year.

Today I have decided that I would stay focused and positive. I am going to show her. My Arabian mare is a bit smaller than most of the horses. But, she has a lot of heart and some good speed. She can be a little hot headed at times but we are getting it together, did some changes with bits, tie-downs and such through out the season. My first run of the day was great. Mashalla, (my mares name) and I were right together. Oh it felt good, perfect turns around those barrels. "Wow, that was a good run, sis" Heidi says. "Yeah, it felt really good" I replied. they both had good first runs.

The day was going along really well. Couple of good riders and horses weren't starting out so good though. Kind of surprising when that happens. Oh well we all have good days and bad days. Standing at the fence waiting for one of the guys to enter the gate for his run, everyone just chit chatting, through the gate he comes heading for the first barrel and holy shit they didn't go around the first barrel, right up over the fence they went. Then down in a heap, horse and rider. People scurrying around everywhere, luckily horse nor rider got hurt really bad. A lot of hurt pride though, as he was one who usually is in the top four. I thought, wow glad that wasn't me. My mare as done some crazy stuff to me but nothing like that.

Barrels and pole bending Mashalla & I have been right on target all day. I am feeling a little cocky cause my sister and niece have had a few minor mishaps. Cause all I have heard all summer from them is I don't know why you keep that horse, I would get something different. She is to small, to high spirited, you'll never do anything with her. Now I am thinking I will show you guys, we just needed a little time to get in sink together. Although I must admit, I am getting a little nervous as the day goes on that it will end as good as it has started.

Down to the final events, horse and rider after horse and rider. Good run times and bad run times. Barrels knocked over disqualified, time added on, oh my stomach is getting tied in knots as I am watching and waiting my turn. There were some riders there that it matter if I beat or not, but I just wanted to beat my sister once and for all. My sister and niece do their runs before me. Did good not bad times at all. Now my name is called, it is my turn.Take a deep breath, make a couple of turns and through the gate we go.

I didn't know that there was anyone around or watching. I was in my own world, so focused and concentrating on what we needed to do. Around the first barrel, perfect position and set up for the second barrel now off to the third barrel, straight where I needed to be. Perfect turn and now straight for home. Oh my god I was so out of breath and excited could not have asked for a better run. Time announced, and I hear you bitch you beat me by 3 tenths of a second. I let a screeching whoop out of me. As that had been all I had wanted. The remainder of the riders did their runs. While we are waiting for the times and points to get figured, everyone is starting to get things packed up for the day. Of course I have a smile on my face a mile wide. Yes, my sister had all kinds of excuses about why I beat her.

Time for the results. Everyone gathered around the ring. Talk about things that happened during the day. Everyone tired as  it takes a lot of energy to ride well. Going through the different classes, winners being called third place goes to......, second place goes to........, reserve champion goes to.............., and champion is...................... Then we get to the 3-D Open Barrel class. Third place goes to................, second place goes to Heidi Grant, reserve champion goes to Deborah Grant, "Holy Shit that's me," I said. I couldn't believe it. I did it, finally I did it, I beat her. Well as usual she had all kinds of excuses. But I didn't care I was happy.  Next year is another year. Good Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


At February 28, 2012 at 7:37 AM , Blogger johngoldfine said...

Definitely a narrative with plenty of suspense, a situation needing resolution, and a resolution supplied to wrap it all up.

For my money, the real ending should come very quickly after Heidi's .3 seconds remark. You're careful to complete the day, but the day is not the story--beating Heidi is the story, so this should have been chopped at the end, I think.


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