Thursday, April 5, 2012

Week 9 Prompt

I came, I saw, I conquered

Weekend planned with a bunch of wild and crazy girls. Sixteen of us all together. Meeting at the Dunkin Donuts on Route 201 in Skowhegan, early Saturday morning need to have that coffee for the ride. Heading to the north woods to a whitewater rafting lodge.  Really what a scarey idea for the first time. Okay, everyone is on time with sleeping bags, pillows, coolers and their overnight bags as we are going to stay the night in one of the little cabins that are there. Off we go one, two, three cars following each other up through the winding, hilly, curvy road to the Forks.

WOW!!! Looks like a lot of people are going to raft down the river. People standing and sitting around, waiting for the instructions on how the day is going to go. People in  bathing suits, shorts and tee shirts, some even still in long pants. Chit, chat going on here and there everyone seems to be in their own little groups. Time to pay attention as the instructions and agenda for the day are being given. They tell us who our guides are going to be. We all will be in two rafts, eight each and each raft has a guide. Now we are being sent around to be fitted for a life jacket. Butterflies are starting to gather in my stomach. Life jacket and paddle in hand onto the buses we go to be transported to the top of the river. Rafts are ready and on the buses. The guides are having us do and sing funny things on the way. 

Now the butterflies are really fluttering about the stomach as we get off the buses. Bathroom call if needed going to be on the river for a few hours. Get our rafts and in the line to go down the stairs to the river. A lot of people and rafts, not only our organization, but others as well. Careful, wait, slowdown, are some of the words heard amongst the chit-chatter. Finally our turn to put our raft in the river. The guide hollers, "Everyone ready? Here we go." Everyone has to paddle. "Let's get the rhythm going," he tells us.

It's not long before we get to the first rapid. Need to make sure the raft before us gets through and everyone is still in the raft. Holy shit butterflies and adrenalin are surely working overtime now. Here we go up, down, left and right. Guide yelling, "paddle, paddle, paddle." You don't even have time to think about it, cause it all happens so fast. God damn the first splashes of water are cold. Now I understand why some people chose to rent wet suits for the day. "WHEW, we all made it through that one okay. Good job girls." you hear someone say. Deep breathes and sighs of relieve. The next raft full is the rest of our group so we wait to watch them and how they do. Made it through, no one out of the raft.

Continuing down the winding river we go.  Red, blue, yellow and orange rafts full of people. Young and old alike paddling along.  Approaching the next rapid, the guide calls the rapids by name. This is a big one. The rafts ahead of us seem to be doing okay with it. OH, no people out of the raft, paddles floating. Not much we can do as we are behind them waiting our turn, but the rafts that have already gone through are helping them out. Now really nervous, but here we go. Raft up, down, twisted and god only know what else. Yelling, laughing, and paddling to beat hell. Water splashing and spraying everywhere, what a RUSH. Shit we have a girl overboard, her head bobbing up and down. "Grab the paddle," someone yells. Not so easy to get her back in the raft, but finally we make it. Whew, sigh of relieve.

The raft behind us is the rest of the girls. We watch to see how they do. See the raft, don't see the raft. Wow are they making a lot of noise. Oops they didn't do as good as we did, they have a couple of people out of the raft. One of the girls is a little heavy, she is really having a hard time to get into the raft, but finally she gets back in. They are all out of breath, sighs of relieve and laughing.

The sun is dancing and sparkling off the river. Everyone got through all the rapids safely. Now for the easy part just paddling along to where we end our trip. Everyone having fun. There are areas where we could get out of the raft and float through some very small rapids. Not for me, but some of the girls did. Jumping in and out of the raft and playing around. What a great trip down the river. Everyone had a great time. Now to get the rafts out of the river and loaded back on the bus. DONE, back to the lodge we go.

Okay, where is the beer? Gathering in the lodge to watch the videos that had been taken. Sounds like a beehive, with all of the chitter, chatter and laughter. Pictures and videos ordered. Off to eat, the lodge has a nice spread layed out. Another beer, another drink. Campfire going, music blaring. People playing cribbage, horseshoes and a little ball. Interacting and making new friends what a great time. More drinks and more laughter. After midnight before you know it.

Next morning, "Oh I don't feel so well, Holy shit what a mess to clean up." you hear someone mumble. Crawling out of the cabin, the sunshine way to bright for these eyes, "Where are my sunglasses?" Drink glasses, beer bottles, chip bags, and stuff everywhere. I think everyone had a good time.

I came to the  river, I saw and conquered the rapids of the river. What an adrenalin rush, can't wait to do it again.


At April 8, 2012 at 6:45 AM , Blogger johngoldfine said...

You've got a heck of a memory and recall--or else a lot of pictures to help jog your memory. Anyway, the detailing is excellent, the idea to put it in present tense works here, and the vignettes are linked nicely--or, rather, the 'connector' material you leave out between the vignettes is just right--not too much or too little.


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