Sunday, March 11, 2012

Week 7 -- Theme -- People


Grandchildren, they are wonderful little creatures. I have five of them and each one has brought a different sense of meaning into my life.I find it interesting how they can all be so very different. But, then again, how all of us are all so very different.

It was 1997 when Brittany, my first joy entered my life. Oh it was so much fun, Nana's little girl, oh how I spoiled her. She was a baby and child who really didn't want to be cuddled and made of much, only when she wanted to. Yes, she started at a very young age to have a mind of her own. Stubborn is a good word to describe her. Even still today at 15 she is stubborn and will do things in her own time. Her mother allows her to be her own person, sometimes not such a good idea, but I guess it is okay. I would say to her give Nana a kiss, she would lean her forehead to you for you to give her a kiss on the forehead. Still the same way today. She has brought me much joy, laughter, sadness and worry. She has had asthma since she was a baby, still struggles with it today. In and out of the hospital steady. She is smart, but lazy. Brittany is very conscientious as to her appearance but you wouldn't know it to look at her room. She comes across as kind of mean and self centered but once you get to know her she is caring and funny. She has a great sense of humor when she chooses to use it.

Now three years later, the second joy is added to my life, Tyler. Tyler is Brittany's brother and just like day and night. Tyler is very kind hearted. Always worried about how it is going to make someone else feel. He loved to be snuggled and cuddled as a baby. He has become very athletic. Just seems to be one of those kids that know matter what sport he does he is good at. Wrestling seems to be his favorite sport and he is very good at it. His room shows his accomplishments starting when he was five years old. The good thing is that he isn't cocky or brags about it. I am very proud of his attitude. I recall once when he won a large first place trophy, he was so proud of it, but didn't want to take it to school and show it off cause he didn't want his friends to think that he was bragging. Tyler is a very proud boy, his mother not always having the money for extra things, he never complains and refuses to except things from other people. Example: I his grandmother have tried to give him money and he refuses to take it. Says, " It is okay Nana, I don't need it." Quite frequently at wrestling meets the boys have to wrestle their own teammates, because of the way weight classes are set up. Tyler is having a great year and is undefeated. Some of this at the expense of always beating his team mates. So just recently at a meet he had to wrestle against a teammate for first and second. He won, received his trophy and went up to the other boy who hasn't finished first all season and said, "You haven't won a trophy yet, you can have this one. You would have been first if you didn't  have to wrestle me." He is always worried about how it is going to make other people feel.

Then there is Kamran, who is 5 years old. Oh what a charmer he is.  He, his sister Kayla and his mother lived with me for awhile. Even though I greatly enjoyed having the grandchildren around all the time, they were very busy and could be very frustrating. They brought me such joy and laughter though. I think back to when my girls were little and boy do the ids today seem so much smarter at an early age. It is such a s nice feeling to come into the house and here, "Nana, Nana I love you. Where have you been?" Again, Kamran and Kayla are so different. Kamran wants to do everything himself and Kayla wants you to do everything for her. Kamran being the oldest isn't always nice to his sister. "Why does she have to do everything I do?" he'll ask. They both are loving and affectionate. They bring such joy into my life. It will be interesting to watch how they grow and develop into their own persons.

Peyton, the youngest one, is only one year old. The smiles that lighten her little face, bring joy to my heart. She already seems to know what she wants when she wants it. Her dad coaches wrestling, he takes her to the meets and she is just as good as gold. Sleeps through the noise of the screaming and yelling. She sees me and holds her little hands out for Nana to take her. What a feeling that gives you.

It pleases me to see the parents my children have become. Grandchildren are keeping me young, each in their own special way. Each of them unique and special. They bring joy, comfort and pride to my life. Grandchildren are very special people. Each and everyone special in their own way. Grandchildren bring a different sense of  meaning to ones life.  


At March 13, 2012 at 6:05 AM , Blogger johngoldfine said...

My first grandchild was born yesterday!

Second is due in early May!

They ought to have a day like Mothers Day or Fathers Day called Grandchildrens day and then you could excerpt the relevant grafs here, put them on a card, and send them to your grandchildren as a token of your love. This material just drips with good emotion, and it's emotion you handle with great ease and dignity, never letting it get icky. Nice stuff!


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