Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Week 7 -- Prompt

The Last Person Not To Remember

It is sad to think that there are people in your life, that you would choose not to remember. But, there is one person whom I would put on that list. Some one whom I worked with and whom I thought was a good friend. But I guess I don't understand how a friend could embarrass, humiliate and disrespect another friend. Well, it can happen because it happened to me and I chose to block and remove her from my life. And have certainly just tried to forget that I even knew her.

This person was what I thought to be a friend as well as a co-worker. She was there when I needed to talk. She became a part of the family. At the girls birthday parties and events. We in return were also involved with her family functions.She was kind, considerate and fun to be around. A bit of a joker, but we all liked to play jokes on each other.

I was an Assistant Manager at a local department store and she was one of the associates. I was very careful that our friendship didn't effect our working relationship. It was Christmas time and management decided to have a nice Christmas Party at a local restaurant as opposed to at someones house as it had been in the past. There were some associates who didn't like the idea because it wasn't going to be just some drunken party and she was one of them.

Well, did I see her true colors that night. She showed up at the Christmas party late and drunk. Needless to say one thing led to another. She made a terrible seen. Wanting to talk to me and trying to be in my face. I tried to tell her that we would talk about it later. Just go sit down and behave. My significant other has no tolerance for ignorant drunken people. We stayed and tried to enjoy the party but it just wasn't going to happen. So we decided to leave because she just wouldn't leave it alone.

Now things get worse. My significant other goes to get the car. I am trying to put my coat on as she is tugging at it and me. Finally get my coat on and trying to get up the stairs to get outside. She is pulling at my coat almost making both of us fall back down the stairs. I am telling her, "Just let go, leave me alone, I don't want to talk about it now. Quit making a scene." She just didn't care. Followed me right out to the car, trying to grab me and hold me there. I finally get to the car get in as she is hanging off the door. I couldn't even close the door, my significant other had to actually drive off with the door open to get away from her.

I was so embarrassed, humiliated, mad and felt so disrespected. I just couldn't believe that a friend would act the way she did. Her reply the next day was, "I am so sorry I was drunk." I didn't even want to hear it. Told her, "That she never should have come in that condition. She could have drank after with her other friends." I totally separated myself from her. I no longer wanted her in my life. She and her family moved out of state a couple of years after that. She came home for a visit one time. Stopped by to see me, still trying to apologize, and thought that I would have been okay. Wrong answer. I let her know not to bother to do that again as I never wanted to see or talk to her again.

Having said all of that. She is the last person in the world I would want to remember.


At March 15, 2012 at 6:42 AM , Blogger johngoldfine said...

I think a piece like this begs for a bit of dialogue--we've all seen nasty drunks and sloppy drunks and needy drunks, but we need a few details and a bit of talk to really be able to visualize this.

I'm not asking for a rewrite because I think you've probably given this what you want to give it and don't want to relive it any more--but that dialogue would have fit in.


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