Sunday, March 18, 2012

Week 8 -- Prompt

Just A Face

A face, a passing face, O Lord just another passing face. What do you suppose is behind the faces you see as you walk down the street. Some faces look at you and others just hang down and walk on by. There are smiles, nods and no movement at all. Around the face is many different things such as hair, caps, hoods or nothing. Bearded faces and clean shaven faces. Tattoos, earrings, nose piercing, lip piercing and lord only knows what other piercings. Fat faces, skinny faces and anything in between. Young cute little faces, and older tired faces. What do they all mean?

A thin, young women with light brown, shoulder length hair pushing a baby stroller and mumbling something to the little dirty faced boy dragging his feet along beside her. The eyes of the little boy appear to show signs of having been crying.  I smile at her as she walks by, and I think, wow, I remember those days. Glad I don't have to go back to that stage again. She is to busy mumbling to the little boy beside her to even realize that I have smiled at her. Her thin face shows signs of unhappiness.wonder what her life is really like?

Now look, a young man of about seventeen, scuffing his feet along. His hands are stuffed into the pockets of his over sized baggy pants, hanging down off his hips, crotch to the knees and underwear hanging out. Over sized hooded sweatshirt, with the hood up over his head and head hung down, so that you hardly see any of his face. Appears as though he is listening to some music, as you can see the earphone wires hanging down from his hood and into the pocket of the hooded sweatshirt. Can hear some noise as he walks by. First, thought is what a punk. But, is he really? Just wondering where kids get that this is kool.  I just shake my head and walk on by.

Oh how sweet!!!!!!!!!!!! An elderly couple, both having gray hair and eye glasses. Their faces are sparkling, but their wrinkles of time are showing through. They are slowly making their way along the sidewalk, hand in hand. Pointing and chatting as they stroll along. Their heads held high with pride of who they are. Briefly stopping their stride, to say hello, and comment on the beautiful day. Smiling as they acknowledge you. In today's world people don't always take the time to talk to you, even in passing.

Happy faces, sad faces, young faces, old faces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What are they thinking? What have they seen? White faces, ethnic faces, there is no difference. They all have eyes, nose, mouth, ears and hair. All have thought and meaning. Brown, blue or green eyes really what does it matter, they all see things in a different manner. Smiles, frowns and grins it all tells a story.


At March 20, 2012 at 9:12 AM , Blogger johngoldfine said...

I like the ride you give each of your examples and I like how you cover the ages of life--from childhood to old age, but it feels a little like your idea of a teen, your idea of a young mother, your idea of old folks more than any actual recent observation.

But it does work!


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