Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Week 10 -- Theme

Distance, Framing & Alienation

As I enter the dimly lit bar where a band will start playing soon and the dancing will begin. I can't wait, as my eyes quickly glance around the room, checking out to see who is there or who isn't there. Not many empty tables, but I find a seat with some friends and take up residency for the night. Now having a base point for the night, head to the bar for a drink. Takes a little while cause it seems like everyone had the same idea. Wouldn't be so bad if once people got their drinks they would move away from the bar. Instead they stand in a cluster and chit chat. Then of course you have the ones that just sit or stand at the bar all night anyway. Although there is a waitress or two maundering their way through the crowd to get drinks for people, it is still quicker to go to the bar and get it.

People standing and sitting all around. There is a group gathered around the pool table, appears as though a couple of them are playing pool. There is a group of 15 -20 over at the bigger tables, looks like someone is having a birthday, by the balloons hovering over the table. There are young and older people and any age in between. Appears as if some have come as couples, some as singles and others you just can't tell.Sounds like a bee hive in here. Music playing, people talking, laughing and a few just sitting there, are they waiting for someone or here looking to meet new friends. Some people had come to have something to eat before the band starts. I can tell because there are still plates and food and what have you all over the tables. I think, to myself, guess they had better get that shit cleaned up as the band is about to start.

Yeah! the band has started, Let's dance. Not many dance for the first few songs. Some of it because it takes a little bit for the band to get really warmed up and to find the music the crowd wants for the night. Also, I think that some people are afraid to be the first ones on the floor to dance, because everyone will be watching them. I like to observe what people are wearing. Wow! you can see lots of different styles. Jeans and t-shirts seem to be the most popular for the guys. I often wonder how the guys dance in sneakers and work boots, but some of them seem to do a good job at it. Some guys are a little more conscious of their appearance and are wearing button-up shirts and dressier shoes.They seem to be the ones that have come with a date, girlfriend or wife.

Now for the gals, well can I just tell you there is conservative, revealing and everything in between. Jeans and shirts, skirts (which are very short) with a top that is as revealing as the skirt, my comment usually is, "Hum, she thinks she is something now doesn't she." Sneakers, flats, boots and heels, some heels are about three inches high. Not sure how they can manage to dance in those heels, but anyway, they seem to do okay.  There seems to be more gals out tonight guys. The older ladies seem to be the more conservative of the crowd.

Okay enough of the crowd, let's get to the dancing, I love to dance. Now the dance floor is getting crowded. Some people are on the dance floor with drinks in their hands. Oops, just as I thought a drink has been spilled on the floor. It is hard to tell sometimes who is dancing with who. There are good dancers and there are not so good dancers. But, you have to give credit to the ones that get out and just do it. It isn't uncommon these days to see a group of girls dancing together. Yes, I have been known to be one of those girls in the group, but I would really rather dance with a guy. Finally, my dance partner has shown up. 

Wow, you can barely get to the bar now for another drink. All of the bar stools are full and people just gathered around talking. Some are waiting for a drink, it is kind of slow as there is only two bartenders behind the bar. Making my way through the crowd I finally get another drink. Making my way back to the table to put my drink down, I run into an old friend that just showed up. Chat for a minute and tell her she can come sit at our table if she wants to. On to the dance floor we go, one dance, two dances and three in a row. Whew, I need a break for a minute. I try to spend more time dancing than sitting. It is good exercise.

Now that it is later in the evening, things are really hopping. People getting happier with each drink they have. The more some people drink the louder they get. Some not quite as steady on their feet as they were earlier. All of the tables now cluttered with beer bottles, drink and shot glasses. Still some pool players at the pool table. Some people have left so therefore more room on the dance floor. Time goes by so fast on a Saturday night when you are out dancing and having fun. The band announces this is the last song. Everyone hits the floor, song done and the chanting begins for  "ONE MORE, ONE MORE." The band accommodating to the crowd plays one more. Now the debate begins about who is going to drive or who can drive. As leaving you see taxis outside to pick up people. Some people do know how to make good choices. It was a good night. No arguments, or disagreements sometimes when you are out there are a couple in the crowd that want to fight. DANCE for your health.


At April 12, 2012 at 7:59 AM , Blogger johngoldfine said...

I always enjoy this level and depth of description, which is absolutely satisfying in this portrait of a night out. But what's the week 10 hook; what are the distancing or alienating techniques? I don't see those--this reads as very reader-friendly.


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