Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Week 10 -- Prompt

Just Calm Down and Begin at the Beginning

We were all sitting at my mothers one Saturday morning, drinking a coffee and trying to get ready to start the day. All of a sudden we hear someone yelling. Get up and look out the window and see my nephew running across the road with his feet hardly touching the ground and yelling. Busting through the door, still yelling and stuttering, "Hurry, hurry, need help, I,I,I,I don't know what happened. Uuuuuuncle is on the floor. Hurry, now help, cccccome help me." Turns and runs back out through the door as fast as he came flying in through it, still a mumbling and yelling hurry, hurry.

Well, so up we jump and follow him across the road to my brothers house to see if we can figure out what is going on. Sure enough by brother was on the bathroom floor. He is breathing and some what coherent. He is in a great deal of pain, which cause him to get light headed and blackout for a few minutes. Scared my nephew though as he was only about 12 or 13 years old. My brother is okay though just need to help him up and get him back on the bed. It took a little bit, but we finally was able to get him back on the bed.

So, lets go back to the beginning as to what happened. Clarence, my brother, several days ago had been trying to break and ride a horse for someone he knew. Well, needless to say things didn't go so well. The horse managed to throw him off. Before he could hit the ground the horse whirled and kicked him in the hip. In the hospital for a few days, due to having to have surgery and a steel rod put in his hip and leg. Horse did a good job.

Clarence is a different kind of person. He was driving the nurses at the hospital crazy. He believes that he has the ability to mentally control most of his pain and can talk himself into lowering his blood pressure and different things like that. He believes in mental healing and just crazy shit. So he convinced the doctor to let him go home. Arrangements were made for a hospital bed to be delivered and set up in his living room along with what ever else that was needed. There was to be a home nurse come in every couple of days to change his dressings and such. He has enough family and friends to keep him company and get his meals and tend out on him.

He had been doing really good about staying in bed and doing what he was supposed to. But, today he decided that with the help of James, our nephew, that he could use the walker and make it into the bathroom and back. Well, I guess that he did okay getting into the bathroom, but it was getting up off the toilet and getting moving again that posed the problem. He said that the pain got to him, before he could get control of the pain. It took James a little while to calm down, as he was pretty scared. Finally got Clarence settled and comfortable or as comfortable as could be.


At April 12, 2012 at 9:39 AM , Blogger johngoldfine said...

I see the time-shifts here for week 10. I'd avoid signalling with things like 'so let's go back to the beginning as to what happened.' Asterisks between sections do the same job. I'd also avoid "well" to start sentences--it's just a habit when a writer is trying to project a spoken or casual tone, but it doesn't really work when overused.


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