Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Week 11 -- Prompt

Uncle Henry's

10 mi. yd. sale, May 19th and 20th, 8-5, rain or shine, West Ridge Rd, antiques, collectibles, clothing and more, CFMI 474-9319 or (202)474-8973 Cornville

Table after table, picnic tables, pieces of plywood laid on top of barrels all lining the edge of the road. Driveway after driveway with something in it for sale. Even places where there are no houses people have dragged stuff in to set up along the road, so as to be a part of the 10 mile yard sale.

People and cars scattered everywhere. People park their cars and walk, good exercise for the day I guess. One persons trash is an other persons treasure, they say.

Clothes, clothes and more clothes. Sheets, blankets, comforters and curtains, about any size or color one would want. Some used and some new. The heirloom blankets, the older handmade ones are not of many. 

Avon bottles after avon bottles, dust collecting knick-knacks on almost every table. Holiday decorations, Christmas, Thanksgiving, Halloween some good, some not so good.
Tools, lawnmowers, snow-blowers, Shovels and rakes. Gardening tools, carts and wheelbarrows. People making offers to try to get at a cheaper price. 

Kids here there and every where. Laughing, talking and crying. "Mamma, I want, can I have, please, please, please." You can hear. Toys, bicycles, balls and bats. 

Antiques, collectibles, trash and treasures. Tables and chairs, couches, hutches, dressers and beds. All kinds of things lined up along the road.


At April 19, 2012 at 8:31 AM , Blogger johngoldfine said...

I like that bold listing, that close descriptive eye, and I think you hit week 11 in your last sentence--because there is something a little disturbing or pathetic about all that junk people are selling to each other. That last line ties in with the skepticism of 'they say' and 'I guess' earlier.


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