Monday, May 7, 2012

Week 15 Ending to the Beginning

Looking Back

I wasn't sure where this class would take me. I must say it has been an interesting semester of writing. I didn't think that I had it in me. I would find myself thinking, writing and rewriting in my head all week. I would be at work or driving to school and out of the blue it would come to me, awe that it what I was looking for to write about this week.

I must say that I like the descriptive writing pieces the best. I found my thoughts going faster than I could put them down, then dam, I would lose the thought process of which I was going. I learned some new things like vignettes. When I first saw the word I thought, what the hell is that word and what does it mean. Once I got my head wrapped around the type of writing, it was kind of fun. 

I must say that you certainly came up with some interesting topics for themes and prompts. Or what is the politically correct wording you used, I believe it was to use them as spring boards. Spring boards certainly do leap you up and over things if they are approached and hit correctly. It took me a little time and thought process but I was able to find the right approach and hit it correctly most of the time. 

I have certainly enjoyed the semester. I found within myself that with a little prompting and thought process that I can manage to find the right words. You have managed to pull out my strengths and weaknesses this semester. Thank you for preparing me for more writing next fall. 

The end of the semester is here. It seemed to have passed by rather quickly. Who knows I have a couple more years of schooling and I might get the pleasure of another class with you. It is kind of strange to have a teacher and a class where you don't have a face with the name. I am from the old school and this new online technology stuff seems a little different. Wasn't sure that I would like the online classes, but I discovered that I had more self disciple than I thought. 

Again, thank you for a good semester and enjoy your summer.

Week 14 -- Theme -- #2 Piece

Yourself Differently

Be careful what you ask for, You just might get it.
  • Might not be as good as you thought
  • You had better think it through
Save it for a rainy day.
  • Save what, for which rainy day
  • Does that rainy day every really come
The grass looks greener on the other side of the fence.
  • Depends on which side of the fence you are on
  • The grass only looks greener until you get there
Practice makes Perfect.
  • If you are practicing it the wrong way is it still perfect
  • If it is perfect why practice
 Everything has its place.
  • Its place is different for different people
  • Its place might be your place not mine
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.
  • Beauty comes from the inner soul
  • Love can be blind

Week 13 -- Prompt


Walking along the seashores of the coast it is hard not to pick up small pieces of driftwood, sea glass, shells and such. It doesn't take long for those little pieces of stuff to add up to something larger. The sea glass and shells make for nice decor around the house, covering the soil in your house plants or in the bottom of a vase, and maybe just sitting in a decorative, shaped dish in the bathroom. For those that are very creative jewelry can be made from the treasures of the sea shore. 

The driftwood is certainly interesting as it can range from very small pieces to much larger pieces. It is amazing what people can do with driftwood. Some driftwood is very unique to just stand alone. Some pieces of driftwood placed together and intertwined make very interesting pieces of art. 

Sitting in the drawer is a box, it started with collecting some small unique pieces of driftwood from different beaches along the coast of Maine. It wasn't long before these little pieces of driftwood begin to fit together and was formed into a box lined with a piece of purple velvet. Now in this box are reminders of the grandchildren as there are different pieces of sea glass or shells which they found and gave to me, from different ventures that we went on.

The driftwood box also holds pressed flowers. The flowers came from different beaches, that we would bring home and press. Little pictures that had been taken which I had cut down and saved in the box. Every once in a while when the grandchildren are around we will dig out the driftwood box and look at the little things in it and talk about the day we found them. Some of the most smallest things have the biggest memories.

Week 14 -- Theme

Birthdays, baby showers, weddings and anniversaries, what will the next cake be?

The kitchen is covered with cake pans, such as  round, square, hearts and character shapes. They are just waiting to see which ones will be used next. The flour and shortening wait patiently to be used to coat the bottom and sides of the pans so that the cake will not stick to the sides and bottom.

The eggs, oil and cakes mixes wonder which ones will be chosen next. Yellow, white chocolate or strawberry taking side bets on who will be next. There are also marble, lemon and devil's food cake mixes sitting on the shelf. Peanut butter and confectionery sugar are part of the needed products depending on the order.

Bowls, measuring spoons and measuring cups all wondering when they will be put to use. The electric mixer and beaters are settled in the drawer. Frosting bags, tips, spatulas and color pastes are stored neatly in their boxes awaiting their time to be productive again.

Cake mixes mixed together, baked and cooling. Two cakes per layer, going to be three layers, six cakes needed in total. Cakes here and there and where ever a spot so they can cool.  It can take all day to bake off cakes, depends on how many you need. Oops, couple of these cakes got to much batter, need to cut  the tops off so they will sit flat on top of each other. Cake pieces and crumbs, what a mess it makes.

Mixing up the butter cream frosting, oh my it does make a mess. Confectionery sugar every where, that mixer sure flies that stuff around. Little bowls of frosting scattered around colors of pink, blue, yellow and green. Round wooden tooth picks stacked on the paper towel, one end colored with the pink, blue yellow and green as they have been dipped into different color pastes then added to the frosting. They can only be used once then no good. 

Cakes, frosting, bags, tips and stuff everywhere. Let the fun begin with the creativity. The big cakes go together a little at a time. The base frosting take the most time, as you want it to be smooth and it can't have any cake crumbs in it. Yes, base frosting is done, decorations on, decorations off, arranged and rearranged until picture perfect. Thought process is, "You have to make a mess to make a master piece."

Friday, May 4, 2012

Week 13 -- Prompt


Those small, soft, delicate hands will someday become large, rough, hard working hands.

It always happens, when a baby is born we check them all out. We check out how long their feet and toes are and comment about them. Comment about how much or how little hair they have, and the shape of their nose, etc. We gently touch their little hand, and straighten their little fingers, and yet again comment on how long, short or something. Your hand seems so large compared to theirs.

Time goes by days,weeks, and months their little hands grow along with the rest of them. They start reaching out to touch and you offer your finger for them to touch and hold, as your hand is still much larger than theirs. Now before you know it they are walking, their little hands are very busy. They are inquisitive and touching anything and everything.Walking across a parking lot, in a store or just out side and your big hand is gently holding their little hand for safety. "Oh, look how cute." one mom says to the other. "They are holding hands." As the two little people go strolling across the playground, with dirty little hands holding onto each other. Doesn't seem to bother them much though.

Yet more time has pasted and their little hands are getting bigger. Off to school where they learn more ways to use their hands and gain hand and eye coordination. The teacher reaches out with her larger hand, to touch the hand of the little one setting on the bench. Touching seems to show care and concern. Children are taught the importance of washing their hands, and how germs are passed on and so forth. Little scrapes and cuts start occurring and marring and marking the small, soft delicate hands. 

Years have passed by and now teenagers, oh my. Boys and girls sometimes not wanting anyone to know that they like each other, or not sure that they want to be boyfriend and girlfriend, gently slide their hands together, just barely touching. Not really holding hands, but want to feel the touch of the skin to skin. Days later, at the same table, with the same friends, he gently slides his hand across and slips it on top of her smaller, dainty hand. Later they get up to leave, not really holding hands but slightly touching little finger to little finger. 

Now these small, soft, delicate hands have grown into larger marred and scared hands. Depending on the work they do depends on the physical appearance you see. If you stop and think about it, how often do we hold hands for comforting or affection without even realizing we are doing it. Just the gentle touch of skin touching skin seems to do so much. Small to large, skin to skin, gentle to firm says a lot.


Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Week 13 -- Prompt

I THINK, Therefore I AM

I Think!!!!!!!!!!!  Therefore I Am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am what, I am where, I am who?

If you didn't think, who, what or where would you be? If you are going to be, you have to think. Think about what you want to become, where you want to go and who you are.

There are may ways of thinking, some are good and some are bad. Either way you are thinking, so you will be. Starting right from the very beginning when you are small, with the love, the nurturing, the encouragement, the stimulation and the guidance you get or do not get sets the tone for your way of thinking.

If you stay in the box and think within the box, your thinking will remain small. Small thinking will generally keep you a small person. According to psychologist, the small thinking and low self esteem is generally caused by the lack of nurturing, encouragement and stimulation as a child. Sometimes, if given a chance, and the want to of the person they can become a bigger and better person than what has been instilled in them.

Think large and become large. It is said that, "You can become anything you want to be." Key being that you have to want to and be willing to start small and put forth the effort and hard work to get where you want to be. Everyone is going to meet trials and tribulations, fear and failure. You need to learn from these things and try again, each time you are able to overcome a tribulation or failure makes you a bigger, stronger more confident person. Try, try and try again until you become the person you want to be and be where you want to be.

The more you think, plan and try the more you will be the I AM.  My outlook and suggestion is the power of positive thinking. Positive thinking brings about positive actions. With positive actions comes positive outcomes. I think and work towards becoming a Certified Medical Assistant. It is hard work to work full time, go to school, do my homework and have some what of a social life. As it is important to have fun once in awhile, it helps to keep things in proper perspective. So therefore, with the positive attitude and the thinking in May of 2014, I will be a Certified Medical Assistant.

Have a plan, set goals. Start your goals small and reachable. As your smaller goals are met, set larger goals. remember keep your goals reachable. Eventually you will be able to see how you have come from small to larger.

I think, I can, I will, I a.